Wednesday, July 31, 2019
I Heard an Owl Call My Name Essay
The intentions and motives of the Bishop regarding Mark are uncovered – we find out that the reason why he sends Mark to Kingcome is because Mark only has three years to live as he is slowly dying from disease. But the Bishop only answered gently that it was where he would wish to go if he were young again, and in the ordinand’s place. P. 3 †¢Mark meets Jim – at first Jim is shy and only talks to Mark when he is talked to. Mark remembers the background information on the area that the Bishop told him. The Indian name of the village is Quee which means â€Å"inside place††¦ Whoop Szo, the Noisy Mountain†¦ Now Kingcome is known as a compact, Christian village, and this means that to run smoothly, the elected chief, the vicar and the agent from the Indian Affairs Department must be co-operative. P. 11 †¢The concept of the Owl is lightly brushed: The village is a talking bird, the owl, who calls the name of the man who is going to die P. 12 Chapter 2 †¢Mark reaches Kingcome Village. Mark is introduced to the RCMP officer when a weesa-bedo (small boy) dies. †¢The Indians are not allowed to move the dead until the RCMP gives them approval. The RCMP officer gets angry at the chief because he moved the body without permission. †¢When the officer sees the body, he gets sick and the Indians see the humour in this. Mark shares in this humour. †¢Mark holds the burial service for the weesa-bedo. At the end of the Christian part of the service, Mark leaves the Indians in respect for their own burial customs. Chapter 3 The Indians discuss and reflect on the respect Mark gave them and their traditions. We are introduced to the characters of the novel: Chief Eddy – the elected chief of the tribe; T. P. Wallace – an elder, the orator of the tribe, grandfather of Gordon and great uncle of Jim; Marta Stephens – one of the grandmothers of the tribe; Mrs Hudson – the matriarch; Sam – the unlucky one, father of Ellie; Keetah – Mrs Hudson’s granddaughter, the only one in the tribe who has no proper English name; Old Peter – the carver; the Teacher – the only other white man in the village whom did not care for the Indians. Ellie – the little lost one P. 24, daughter of Sam Chapter 4 †¢Mark receives a letter from bishop regarding the new vicarage †¢Mark refuses the offer: he doesn’t want the Indians to help †¢Mark starts to realise he may never be acknowledged/belong – to the Indians he is but a guest †¢Mark makes friends with the two young children †¢He holds his first sermon to which everyone attends except for a small minority Chapter 5 †¢Jim & Mark become closer friends †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"swimmer†incident Due to his knowledge of the â€Å"swimmers†Jim is able to give Mark more respect †¢Jim agrees to take Mark to the end of the â€Å"swimmer†Jim announces he will marry Keetah – Mark meets her and both agree that she is beautiful Chapter 6 †¢Mark & Jim go hunting and kill a bear †¢Mark gets scared on their hunting expedition †¢Mark & Jims friendship is real: Both knew there was a friendship between them now, forged without words and needing none. P. 40 †¢Jim uses the Victorian â€Å"we†& Mark vows never to use it again †¢Mark realises that he is becoming one with the Indians.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay
Throughout this essay, I will be discussing the transition of adolescence. This transition is a stage of development between childhood and adulthood, from about 12 to 20 years of age. This transition from childhood to adulthood is smooth for some but rough for others(Caspi, 2000). This essay will discuss predictable and non-predictable elements of the transition. Health in adolescence issues this involves drugs & alcohol abuse and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are classified as unpredictable elements. Physical Development (body growth and physical changes during adolescence) or Puberty and Cognitive Development are classified as a predictable element during the transition. It will also explore the impact on relationships and concepts of self for persons undertaking the transition. Furthermore, it will deliberate the contributions of contemporary and seminal authors to describe the differences between the two past and presents authors/researcher’s theories in understanding of the adolescence life transitions. Another factor that will be discussed is the concept of self during the transition, and then finally it will comprehensively explain the importance for nurses to understand the adolescence transition. A.The importance of predictable and unpredictable elements in Adolescence transitions will assist in identifying the significant changes in every life event transition. Moreover, it will also benefit in supporting adolescent to meet challenging changes throughout the transition. The first predictable element is puberty the biological transition of adolescence, the most noticeable sign of being an adolescent. Theoretically, puberty refers as a collective term to refer to all the physical changes that occur in the growing girl or boy as the individual passes from childhood into adulthood(Habermas & Bluck, 2000). In boys a major change is the increased production of testosterone, a male sex hormone, while girls experience increased production of the female hormone oestrogen(Dedovic, Wadiwalla, Engert, & Pruessner, 2009). In boys a major change is the increased production of testosterone, a male sex hormone, while girls experience increased production of the female hormone oestrogen (Carpentier & Fortenberry, 2010). Internally, through the development of main sexual characteristics, adolescents become capable of sexual reproduction. Externally, as secondary sexual characteristics appear, girls and boys begin to look like mature women and men. In boys primary and secondary sexual characteristics usually emerge in a predictable order, with the rapid growth of the testes and scrotum, accompanied by the appearance of pubic hair. In later years, it will begin the growth of facial and body hair, and a gradual lowering of the voice. Around mid-adolescence internal changes begin making a boy capable of producing and ejaculating sperm. In girls, sexual characteristics develop in a less regular sequence. Usually, the first sign of puberty is a slight elevation of the breasts, but sometimes this is preceded by the appearance of pubic hair. In teenage girls, internal sexual changes include maturation of the uterus, vagina, and other parts of the reproductive system. Menarche(Cochrane, 1993). Regular ovulation and the ability to carry a baby to full term usually follow menarche by several years. The second predictable element is Cognitive Development transition a second element of the passage through adolescence is a cognitive transition(Champion & Collins, 2010). Compared to children, adolescents think in ways that are more advanced, more efficient, and generally more complex. Adolescence individuals become better able than children to think about what is possible, instead of limiting their thought to what is real. Whereas children’s thinking is oriented to the here and nowâ€â€that is, to things and events that they can observe directly, adolescents are able to consider what they observe against a backdrop of what is possibleâ€â€they can think hypothetically. Second, during the passage into adolescence, individuals become better able to think about abstract ideas. This is clearly seen in the adolescent’s increased facility and interest in thinking about interpersonal relationships, politics, philosophy, religion, and moralityâ€â€topics that involve such abstract concepts as friendship, faith, democracy, fairness, and honesty. Third, during adolescence individuals begins thinking more often about the process of thinking itself, or metacognition. As a result, adolescents may display increased introspection and self-consciousness. Although improvements in metacognitive abilities provide important intellectual advantages, one potentially negative by product of these advances is the tendency for adolescents to develop a sort of egocentrism, or intense preoccupation with the self. Acute adolescent egocentrism sometimes leads teenagers to believe that others are constantly watching and evaluating them, much as an audience glues its attention to an actor on a stage. Whereas children tend to think about things one aspect at a time, adolescents can see things through more complicated lenses. Adolescents describe themselves and others in more differentiated and complicated terms and find it easier to look at problems from multiple perspectives. The unpredictable elements are health related issues in adolescence are alcohol and other drug use. Experimentation with psychoactive substance is widespread during adolescence. Psychoactive substances are naturally occurring or artificial materials that act on the nervous system, altering perceptions, moods and behaviour. They range from naturally occurring substances, such as alcohol, which is produced from the fermentation of plant sugars by yeast, to designer drugs such as ecstasy. Most teenager experiment with different substances, constituting substance use and in some individual’s experimentation escalates into habitual or repeated usage known as substance abuse. They also engaged in â€Å"binge drinking†which arising in recent years. Binge drinking is defined as the consecutive ingestion of five or more standard drinks in less than two hours. Other factors of unpredictable health issues is sexually transmitted infections, adolescent sexual behaviour may impose a significant health risk to teenagers through a range of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Sexually transmitted infections are bacterial and viral infections that enter the body via the mucous membranes of the mouth and the sex organs following physical contact. Sexually transmitted infection includes syphilis, gonorrhoea, genital lice, scabies, chlamydia, herpes, genital warts, hepatitis and HIV/AIDS. The reason for the high rates of STIs in adolescents is that this age group is more prone to sexual experimentation and risky sexual behaviours than other age groups. Risky sexual behaviour includes unprotected sexual activity without using barriers such as condoms, sexual activity involving multiple partners and sexual activity involving partners whose sexual is unknown. B. The impact on relationships and concepts of self for persons undertaking the transition is established by a personal identity a key task of adolescence is successful resolution of Erikson’s psychosocial crisis of identity versus role confusion. Identify formation involves selectively integrating some aspects of earlier childhood identity and discarding others. Successful resolution of the identity crisis of adolescence depends on the opportunities to experiment with different social roles and activities. Individual differences identify achievement are due to culture, gender roles , peer influences, parenting styles and life circumstances experienced by adolescents, which may increase or decrease opportunities for exploration. Self-concept is based on more abstract beliefs and values than the concrete and comparative ideas of self during childhood. Increased of perspective-taking ability may reveal ‘true’ and ‘false’ selves in relation to interactions with different people, but this can reflect positive experimentation with different roles that contribute to self-concept. Self-esteem decreases significantly between child self-concept and mid- adolescence, and more dramatically for girls than for boy s. The sex differences is probably anchored to sex-role differences, greater body image dissatisfaction in girls than in boys, and the differential boost to self-worth that romantic relationships bring to adolescent boys and girls. Parent –child relationships become less asymmetrical term s of the balance of power during adolescence compared with childhood, as a result of adolescent’s push for autonomy. There are wide individual differences in the degree of autonomy achieved by adolescents, depending on parenting styles and cultural and gender based norms and attitude. During adolesce, close same-sex cliques and larger, looser amalgamations of several cliques called crow. Cliques and crowds provide the backdrop for new cross-sex interaction, including romantic relationships. Peer group conformity within cliques seeks out different kinds of advice and support from both parents and peers, Nonetheless, for minority ineffective parenting and influenced with a wrong crowd will experience a criminal career, exacerbate the pre-existing interpersonal difficulties that predispose adolescent to violence and being a gang members in the society. Bullying is also common in the society especially teens in primary and high school, it can affect the psychosocial development of a person. Positive peer relationships include same-sex friendships that are high in intimacy and mutual support are both essential in bridging to a successful romantic relationships which may also begin during adolescence. During adolescence, most individuals experience their first sexual intercourse. The age when this occurs is becoming earlier, depending on gender, cultural constraints and peer influences. Sexual minority status –lesbians, gay or bisexual may pose additional challenges to identify formation and sexual maturation during adolescence. C.The contribution of past and present authors and researcher’s in understanding towards the adolescent life transitions has vast changes in time. According to Kohlberg’s theory (Benenson, Tennyson, & Wrangham, 2011) extended Piaget’s work on moral development during the 1960’s uses male protagonist only as an examples of his theories which contradicts Carol Gilligan’s author of her popular book , â€Å"In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development†(1982), suggested that Kohlberg’s theories were biased against women, as only males were used in his studies. By listening to women’s experiences, Gilligan offered that a morality of care can serve in the place of the morality of justice and rights espoused by Kohlberg. In her view, the morality of caring and responsibility is premised in nonviolence, while the morality of justice and rights is based on equality. (Gilligan, 1982). CONCLUSION As we discussed the main points of being adolescence it embodies the importance, relevance and impact of a particular life event transition. Adolescence is a distinct stage that marks the transition between childhood and adulthood. Adolescents are capable of abstract reasoning. Although you may still include the family in education, adolescents themselves are a major focus of teaching since they have considerable independence and are, consequently, in more control of the degree to which recommendations will be carried out. Adolescents have many important developmental tasks to achieve. They are in the process of forming their own identity, separating themselves from parents, and adapting to rapidly changing bodies. Bodily changes at puberty may cause a strong interest in bodily functions and appearance. Sexual adjustment and a strong desire to express sexual urges become important. Adolescents may have difficulty imagining that they can become sick or injured. This may contribute to accidents due to risk taking or poor compliance in following medical recommendations. Because adolescents have a strong natural preoccupation with appearance and have a high need for peer support and acceptance, health recommendations that they view as interfering with their concept of themselves as independent beings may be less likely to be followed. Therefore, as sexual adjustment and strong sexual urges characterize this age, the nurse may do significant teaching about sex education and contraception. In addition to teaching adolescents about why and how their bodies are changing, the nurse is also in a good position to dispel misconceptions young patients may have about sexual development or sexual behaviour. Teaching adolescents about sexuality requires a special sensitivity and understanding. Respect for the patient’s modesty, privacy, and opinions are critical to establishing an atmosphere of openness and trust. In addition to sex education, other important patient teaching areas are alcohol and drug abuse and general health measures, such as the importance of good nutrition and exercise as the basis for life-long health. Regardless of the topic, health education for adolescents is more effective when the nurse establishes trust by respecting the adolescent’s needs, shows empathetic understanding, and answers questions honestly. Patient teaching for adolescents should take the form of guidance rather than lecturing. Nurses who gain credibility with an adolescent patient establish themselves as the teen-ager’s advocate rather than representatives of the parents. The nurse may increase health teaching effectiveness by including the family. The nurse can give guidance and support to family members that can help them understand and respect adolescent behaviour. Parents should be encouraged to set realistic limits for adolescents while still allowing them to become increasingly responsible for their own health care management.
Monday, July 29, 2019
An Essay On Leonardo Da Vinci
What do we consider a genius, and who? When studying different definition, and with prior knowledge from speaking to psychiatrists and other mood evaluators, I now have a good sense of the term genius. A genius is someone who has incredible intellectual ability, as well as creative. One who is not only mentally progressed, but emotionally and creatively as well. Mastering a number of different and diverse skills and having all sorts of knowledge would qualify you. Leonardo Da Vinci, is thought to be one of the most intelligent people to ever have lived. Considered a Renaissance man, Da Vinci was not only an accomplished scholar but also a painter, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, anatomist, cartographer, inventor, geologist, botanist, and writer. Da Vinci mastered a number of difficult skills, and had knowledge nobody else had found, especially for his time. His advancements, inventions and art were beyond what you would call good, they were genius. Born April 15th, 1452 out of wedlock, his father Piero and Caterina da Vinci were considered peasants. He was raised by his father, some believed he was not worthy of an education due to this. However, Da Vinci was advanced at the fine arts by age 15 and began his studies in a studio with Verrocchio a Florentine painter. Verrocchio painted for "The Baptist of Christ". He let Leonardo paint with him, though eventually ending his career because he was humiliated that he had been outshone by his student. Da Vinci was accepted into the Painters Guild of Florence. The most famous of Leonardo Da Vinci's art would be the portrait of "Mona Lisa" also known as La Gioconda (wife of Frances Giocondo). You can find it in the Louvre Today. You may have also heard of "The Last Supper", a religious piece of Jesus eating his last supper. Many people still study both these paintings today, still under covering secrets. In the episode "The Da Vinci Conspiracy" on Ancient Aliens, they study both of these paintings. They point out a UFO int the background of the "Mona Lisa". The historians on the show strongly believe that Leonardo Da Vinci had extra terrestrial knowledge, and help due to what he had achieved. He was significantly advanced way before his time, in all subject matters. Da Vinci's had countless inventions, stemming from his engineering knowledge. The most advanced and memorable ones, that we still use today include the helicopter, tank, concentrated solar power, and the calculator. It is hard not to wonder, how was this possible? How did a man of the Renaissance period have this advanced knowledge! It doesn't add up with the rest of his era, or what the rest of the world knew at that point. We still use his notes and mapped out ideas for the inventions he created that we are still using hundreds of years later. Ancient Aliens suggests that Da Vinci had some other wordily knowledge that he some how acquired. Personally, I am open minded but I am not suggesting this is necessarily true, but you have to wonder. I am not opposed to the idea and theories of extra terrestrials, I'm just not set on it either. However, this raises a greg point, how did he acquire this knowledge and intelligence in the era he lived in? Leonardo Da Vinci is by far one of the most, if not the most, interesting and intriguing person to study in history. Da Vinci was known for writing in "code". He had planned to publish a encyclopedia, sharing is knowledge of science and the human anatomy, unfortunately like many other of his plans this one did not get finished. However, 4000 pages of documents have been found from his notebooks and journals of exactly that. The "code" people refer to is his style of note taking. Not only did he spell words peculiarly, but he also wrote form right to left, a mirror image. Another thing that Ancient Aliens covers is this code, it almost seems like he was afraid someone would steal his ideas. There are many other theories about the code but we'll never know the real reason why. May 2, 1519 was the day Leonardo Da Vinci passed away. He lived to be 67 years old, which was a good age to have lived at that time but not for him. He left hundreds of projects unfinished, and the mystery of his knowledge for people to find. Think if he had lived to be eighty, or ninety what other great things he would have discovered. Da Vinci is my, as well as many others, favorite philosopher, scientist, and artists. To this day no one can compare to the way he mastered numerous fields of study and made history for being a genius. It makes you wonder what else is possible in this world if a man as smart as him could of lived. Leonardo Da Vinci is the most studied, interesting and cherished of all the scholars who have lived.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Marketing Campaign for a Business Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Marketing Campaign for a Business - Dissertation Example The company is also planning to form a strategy that is physical handing business card to the client which can offer several deals to the regular users of the cab service. Tools which the firm aims to use have been analyzed in terms of their effectiveness through research. After research of these techniques used, the report aims to analyze and identify the most efficient technique. This will then be compared to the strategy of the competitors. The competitors are in the business from a longer period so their marketing strategies are fiercer as compared to that of A2Z minicabs. The firm will have to form the strategies which can cover the marketing objectives of the firm. The offering which the firm gives to the drivers is unique. This increases the efficiency of the drivers. The company only takes 25% of the sales from the drivers for the rent. This benefits the drivers in the slow season and it benefits the company when the sales are high. This is why the firm wishes to increase the customer base of the company. Higher sales mean higher return and profitability for the company. The online tools which the firms will use for the marketing of the services are Google Ad Word, Google Ad Sense, Google Analytics and the Search Engine Optimizer (SEO). These tools will prove to be sufficient for the marketing practices online. These techniques will help in saving the cost and in generating business for the firm. The physical mode of marketing and offering of the business cards will also prove to be efficient. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 5 Company Description 5 Scope 5 Objectives 6 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN- USER STORY 6 RESEARCH 7 TECHNICAL & NON TECHNICAL RESEARCH 8 Secondary Data 8 Advantages of Secondary Data Analysis 8 Disadvantages of Secondary Data Analysis 9 COMPARE AND CONTRAST SIMILAR WEBSITES/ CAMPAIGNS 9 SWOT ANALYSIS 10 Strengths 10 The strength of A2Z mini cab is the availability of the resources and an efficient management which is increasing the outcome of the company. The major strengths of the company are: 10 Weaknesses 11 Opportunities 12 Threats 12 BUILDING THE MARKETING CAMPAIGN 13 Establishing the goals and objective 14 The objective of the company must be interlinked 14 Target market of the business must be defined 14 Value proposition and its consistency 14 Proper promotional tools 15 Measurement of the cost incurred 15 Integrated marketing 15 Internet marketing 16 TESTING OF THE MARKETING ACTIVITIES 17 Testing methods 19 COSTING- SUMMARY AND EVALUATION 20 GANTT CHART 21 MARKETING 22 Statistics Related To Online Marketing 22 Online Mode of Marketing 22 Google Ad Words 23 Google Ad Sense 23 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 23 Google Analytics 24 Physical Tools for Marketing 24 INTRODUCTION Company Description An A2Z Minicab is a small firm owned by Jason Devlin. It is located in Croydon which is situated in the South of London. The firm is facing fierce competition in the industry. This is a small scale business which only has 50 drivers. The business is steadily growing in terms of sales. The business is operating since the last three years. The firm plans to establish and grow by increasing the customer base. The workforce of the firm is smaller comparatively to other firms operating in the same business but the pay structure is unique. The cabs are offered to the drivers on the agreement of charging 25% of the daily sales. This relaxes the drivers because they only have to pay 25% of the sales to the employers. In the days when
Critically Discuss the Suitability, Feasibility and Acceptability of Essay
Critically Discuss the Suitability, Feasibility and Acceptability of the International Strategy of Organisation - Essay Example Amazon.Com has been one of the initial companies to sell goods over the web. The company was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994, and launched to the worldwide market in 1995. Initially, the company started as an online bookstore and then rapidly broadened into different divisions such as Video Home System tapes and DVDs, music CDs, software, video games, electronic goods, toys, furniture and clothing as well as food items. Amazon considers its existence as entirely customer-centric business, which is focused on their company statement or the value of the organisation. The organisational value of Amazon is guided by certain leadership principles. These principles include customer obsession which intends to consider at the centre-stage for each and every customer who visit their online retail site. Furthermore, the company’s ownership is also a valuable component for its progression for the long-term. The organisational values also consider sustaining utmost standards of the offering s and to hire as well as develop the best possible talents within the organisation. (Amazon. Com Inc., 2012). The main objective of this report is to analyse the international strategic plans of Amazon and to discuss the appropriateness, practicability as well as the adequacy of international strategies implemented by Amazon. The Strategy of Amazon in the International Business The notion of business strategy is concerned with the marketing of products and/or services as well as it also involves decision making about economic aspects, human resource strategies, manufacturing and operations along with certain other business components. The main purpose of a strategic business plan in an organisation is to set the direction of the business and to provide the company a set structure so that the products or the services it provides can meet the selected business objectives or the goals of the organisation (Open Office, 2004). The e-marketing plan provides a wide road map for the success of an e-business organisation such as Amazon. It is necessary to create a spontaneo us overview of a good market plan which ensures a complete understanding of the e-business model. E-business model describes the architecture of information delivery along with its available products and services as well as the complete picture of sources of revenues (Embellix Software, 2000). Marketing management is a very necessary aspect because the business of Amazon operates in hostile and altering multifarious environment. The ability of a business to achieve profitable sales is impacted by a large number of environmental factors. Marketing plan is useful in a business which assists to recognise a source of competitive advantage, enables to commit to a strategy, get the resources needed to invest in the business, as well as to measure the performance of the business in a particular environment (Serrat, 2008). There are certain strategic levels which are needed to be analysed for understanding the international strategy of Amazon and their appropriateness, practicability and ad equacy. Market Development Level With regard to the corporate objectives of an organisation, marketing planning provides an important framework. In relation to marketing planning, market development plays a crucial part in an organisation’s international strategy (Embellix Software, 2000). In this context, for market development, Amazon has acquired a specific growth prospect, advantages and cost effectiveness through their e-tailing
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Knowledge of water-only systems may influence the incident commanders Essay
Knowledge of water-only systems may influence the incident commanders incident action plan - Essay Example In case of a fire emergency, the knowledge of when and where the water is available will influence significantly which strategy the incident commander will adopt depending on whether or not the water will be available. The relevance and conciseness of the plan will depend on the knowledge of water-only systems. The commander will be able to create a plan that suits the emergency by assessing the availability of water in a particular area. When laying out a strategy to curb fire in a deserted area, the plan needs to include the sources of water to stop the fire or other sources to stop the situation such as fire extinguishers. Lastly, the knowledge on water systems will be essential to make timely and complete plans. The information on water systems will be critical to the execution of the project to avoid hindering efficiency and compromising safety (Haraway, 2010). For example, with the knowledge of where and when water will be available, a fire extinguishing company will be able to lay out a complete and timely plan of what shall be needed in the event. In conclusion, knowledge of water-only systems plays a crucial role in determining the objectives to be set, the strategies to be laid and the tactics to be applied in the case of emergencies. The knowledge enables the plan to be timely, accurate and
Friday, July 26, 2019
Letters of credit have been described as the lifeblood of Essay
Letters of credit have been described as the lifeblood of international commerce. (Kerr LJ in RD Harbottle (Mercantil) Ltd v N - Essay Example The slightest delay can lead to huge loss due to exchange fluctuations during the period delay. There are instances of huge losses in the international trade by way of exchange fluctuations alone. This paper will examine the indispensability of the instrument so as to be called the life-blood of international commerce In RD Harbottle (Mercantil) Ltd v National Westminster Bank Ltd,2 the court has emphatically stated that there should not be the least interference of the courts in the letter of credit transactions as it is indispensable for the smooth flow of international commerce. Except in cases of frauds of which banks have notice, the irrevocable obligations under a letter of credit cannot be undone by the parties for reasons of any dispute between them. Court are not concerned with their difficulties however great they may be as they can always settle their disputes in a different forum without disturbing the operation of letter of credit which is a banking system at a different level. This is the essence of the court’s ruling in the above case. ... The issuing bank has just to make sure the documents submitted by the beneficiary are in strict compliance of the credit terms and nothing more. In view of this, neither the applicant (buyer) nor the beneficiary (seller) can frustrate the letter of credit payment under some pretext or other. It is because the credit is a stand -alone document like a legal tender 3 and its validity cannot be questioned lest the international commerce will lose confidence in the system with the resultant collapse of the international trade. This, Donaldson LJ characterizes as ‘thrombosis will occur if , unless fraud is involved, courts intervene and thereby disturb the mercantile practice of treating rights thereunder [of letter of credit] as being equivalent to cash in hand’4 (foot note 5 begins) Further, letter of credit is part of commercial law to facilitate commerce. The rules must therefore be consistently followed by the courts without giving way to the idiosyncrasies of individuals though courts’ view of the will change overtime. Only then, outcome of a dispute can be predicted with a law that is clear and consistent so that litigation is avoided. If it is unavoidable, it should be quickly resolved especially in a price/exchange fluctuation market. The court’s approach in RD Harbottle is to ensure certainty for documentary credit which is an assurance from bank for payment against presentation of documents. Though the term UCP needs to be incorporated in a documentary credit contract, courts have the liberty to view it as impliedly incorporated even in the absence of the express provision of the UCP.5 Therefore principles such as doctrine of strict compliance, party’s autonomy and fraud
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Generation X Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Generation X - Essay Example urdles as well as stereotypes, the strong, appealing characteristics from the particular events, issues and people stem individuals born in generation X, making them extraordinary. Generation X is defined as the generation born in the years 1965 to 1980, immediately apparent in this generation after the baby boomers. This generation was named ‘X’ as the letter itself represents an unknown, mystery. This generation is better educated and more ethnically diverse (Rosen 4). In addition, this generation was raised at a period of increasing divorce rates, faltering economy, and two income families. From all generations, this is the only one that was pushed into early adulthood. The aspect of women liberation from traditional roles as only homemakers is broken in this generation. This is evident by several women joining the work force, leaving behind their infants. During this era women broke the traditional characteristic of being dependent to a man to being independent and self sufficient. The con of this move was the commencement of latchkey kids who had no choice, but to take care of themselves whilst their parents worked (Zustiak 32). I am a clear example of such children; both my parents worked, being the first born, I had the responsibility of taking care of my siblings. I can say that I took the role of my parents, and disciplined my siblings when they made a mistake. I lacked the emotional needs from my parents and turned out into an autonomous, self-reliant individual. The situation at home forced me to grow up faster, and also adapt parenting skills. This was a challenge, as I was struggling the balance of being a child, sibling and at the same t ime ‘a parent. This explains why individuals who are in this generation like I, demonstrate the values of resourceful, autonomy and contribution, attributes of the command of authority and structured work hours. I was raised at a time where there was the emergence of personal computers, television, and Atari
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Ottoman Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Ottoman Empire - Essay Example The great disruption of the Ottoman economy was caused by the inflation due to the inflow of gold, silver, and other precious metals from the New World. "The Ottomans experienced the impact of the increased flow of precious metal before the 17th century. The flow of American silver probably began to affect the Ottoman economy by 1580. While the first effects of the New World silver were experienced in Ottoman Anatolia by 1580, the most significant response of Ottoman prices occurred between 1585 and 1606." (Bulut, 65) Therefore, the effect of gold and precious metals on the economy as well as social life of the Ottoman Empire is important to recognize and this paper makes a reflective analysis of the impact of precious metals on the Ottoman Empire. In a profound exploration of the impact of precious metals on the Ottoman Empire, it becomes lucid that the Empire was self-sufficient with regard to the availability of various precious metals. The political supremacy over the neighboring nations offered an important opportunity to the Ottomans to import metals which were not available in the Empire. Thus, it may be noted that grain and other foodstuffs, iron, copper or cloth for everyday use were manufactured in sufficient quantities with the territories of the Empire. The Ottomans were largely autocratic in terms of war materials and the other precious metals were imported into the Empire. The Ottoman political elite and the better-off townsmen consumed Indian spices and Yemini coffee. "All these Indian and Yemini imports led to a significant outflow of silver and gold, but precious metals were mined on Ottoman territory only in very moderate quantities. Although by the middle of the sixteenth century, most of Hungary was in the hands of the sultans, the mines that had supplied raw materials for the country's famous fifteenth century gold- and silversmiths remained outside Ottoman control and, moreover, were less productive than they had once been." (Faroqhi, 14) Therefore, the impact of precious metals on the Ottoman Empire is unquestionable and the introduction of gold and precious metals to the Ottoman Empire had a vital influence on their economy as well as social life. It is important to realize that the introduction of gold and precious metals had a vital impact on the Ottoman economy. Significantly, the introduction of various precious metals played a major influence on the European economy. Similarly, gold and precious metals played a major impact on the various aspects of the economy and these metals contributed to the increase in prices in the Ottoman Empire towards the end of the sixteenth century. "The great change in the European economy wrought by all this precious metal also had its effects on the Ottoman Empire. Since European merchants traded in Ottoman territories, some silver from the New World found its way to the Ottoman lands. The Ottoman rulers encouraged the import of these coins. The Ottomans could not find a way to use these coins as investments in their economy. They tried to keep this money within the country. As an important factor the import supplies of silver contributed to the inflation." (Bulut, 65) Thus, a reflective an alysis of the various aspects of the Ottoman economy confirms that the impact of gold and preci
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
College is a Waste of Time and Money by Caroline Bird Essay
College is a Waste of Time and Money by Caroline Bird - Essay Example The paper tells that the views and structure of the article â€Å"College is a Waste of Time and Money†by Caroline Bird are truly bound to their senses having conveyed in the author’s statement â€Å"college is the dumbest investment you can make†. That should suffice to proceed without contesting the majority in the general public who would at any time be disposed to argue â€Å"that is downright true and how can a regressed economy running scarce with job creators ever address the fresh yields of the academe, the new brood of the first-time bloodthirsty job hunters?†However, while Bird commits to this type of sentiments in her period which are presently felt as well and expresses sold-out support for the abolition of college, does it ever occur to her to ponder on how the world would look with money-driven human beings who act, talk, treat, and think like some crazy engine for dough all the time? For one, having thought ahead of the possible scenarios with that and what the author would most likely feel about each of them, he is rather afraid of acquiring much trouble in coping with that kind of future Bird insists in her sphere of change and investments. Apparently, she is quite significantly concerned with the keen reality experienced via the inverse proportionality that exists between finishing college and the hard-to-settle issue of unemployment than the core essence of tertiary education itself. Perhaps we ought to guide her perception to veer off at examining and modifying the curriculum instead of rationalizing â€Å"If high-school graduates don’t want to go, or if they don’t want to go right away, they may perceive more clearly than their elders that college is not for them†in a tone of complaint. The concept of further education is never unwise and if our main problem lies on the reluctant attitude of most 18-year-olds toward college, this can be neutralized or put to balance by focusing on the man ner educators are supposed to work on tools or techniques of fostering a stimulating atmosphere for the students. We can opt herein to find hope and realize that exploring beyond the conventional academic realm enables studying individuals to learn the remarkable key to versatile potentials and thereby gain opulent interest on succeeding with the targeted growth in both professional and economic goals as they stay in school prior. Bird primarily communicates her findings that â€Å"A great majority of our nine million college students are not in school because they want to be or because they want to learn – They are there because it has become the thing to do†(1975). Of course, we have widely known the ever-prevailing behavior among youth in transition from secondary level as such since we have gone through the stage and somehow managed to comprehend all the frailties and unpleasant feelings thereof. This we can acknowledge, nevertheless, as a normal phase of life where immaturity inevitably combines with confusion and curiosity due to the so-called ‘identity crisis’ which naturally places a young person to a state of random inquisition, denial, rebellion, and repulsion of moral discipline. Whether in and out of the academe, this condition lives as a fact and may not be prevented from happening so it would be irrational to tolerate the reasoning that college alone is responsible ju st because the 18-year-olds are being forced into a challenge or something they are not prepared yet considering which, they must thus be allowed the freedom to decide for themselves as Bird proposes. After conducting scholarly studies and interviews, Bird is eventually brought to conclude that â€Å"students are sad because they are not needed ... there is no room for so many newly minted 18-year-olds –
Voluntary Unemployment Essay Example for Free
Voluntary Unemployment Essay Throughout the history of the United States immigration has played a big role. In fact, the birth of the US came about because of Europeans that immigrated here for religious freedom. From those small settlements came towns and cities, built by immigrants. But not all migrated here for religious freedom. Many came on wishes for a better life or to pursue business deals. As early as 1610, Italian craftsmen were brought here to by the Virginia Colony to start the glass trade. So regardless of their drive, people have immigrated here since the beginning of the history of the United States and still continue to. Americans encouraged relatively free and open immigration during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, and did not think anything of that policy until the middle 1900s. After some states passed immigration laws following the Civil War, the Supreme Court ruled in 1875 that the regulation of immigrants is a federal responsibility. As the number of immigrants rose in the 1880s and economic conditions in certain areas worsened, Congress started to use immigration legislation. The Chinese Exclusion Act was one such example. Under this act, passed on 6 MAY 1882, states the coming of Chinese laborers to this country endangers the good order of certain localities within the territory thereof. As a result, Angel Island was set up to detain and question Chinese Immigrants. Between this act and the Alien Contract Labor laws of 1885 and 1887, certain laborers were prohibited from immigrating to the United States. Also in used was the more general Immigration Act of 1882, which charged a head tax of fifty cents on each immigrant, and bar the entry of idiots, lunatics, convicts, and persons likely to become a public charge. Also passed were the Alien Acts of 1885, 1887, 1888 and 1891, prohibiting the immigration to the U.S. of persons entering the country to work under contracts made before their arrival. In 1888 provisions were adopted to provide the expulsion for aliens. All these immigration laws soon created the need for a Federal enforcement agency. In the 1880s, state board or commissions enforced immigration law with direction from U.S. Treasury Department officials. At the federal level, U.S. Customs Collectors at each port of entry collected the head from immigrants, while Chinese Inspectors enforced the Chinese Exclusion Act (at Angel Island). Congress soon expanded the list of excludable classes, and as a result when the Immigration Act of 1891 barred polygamists, persons convicted of crimes of moral turpitude, and those suffering loathsome of contagious diseases from immigration, it also created the Office of the Superintendent of Immigration, located in the Treasury Department. Under the 1891 law, the Federal Government assumed the task of inspecting, admitting, rejecting, and processing all immigrants seeking to the United States. The Immigration Services (IS) first task was to collect arrival manifests (passenger lists) from each incoming ship, a responsibility of the Customs Service since 1820. Also enforcing immigration law was a new Federal function, and the 1890s witnessed the Services first attempts to implement national immigration policy. Operations began in New York Harbor at a new federal immigration station on Ellis Island, which opened 2 JAN 1892. The largest and busiest station for decades, Ellis Island housed inspection facilities, hearing and detention rooms, hospitals, cafeterias, administrative offices, and representatives of many immigrant aid societies. The station also employed 119 of the Services entire staff 180 in 1893. During its first decade at Ellis Island and other ports, the Service formalized basic immigration procedures. Inspectors questioned arrivals about their admissibility and noted their admission or rejection on manifest records. Detention guards and matrons cared for those people detained pending decisions in their cases, or those awaiting deportation. Often, aliens were excluded because they lacked funds o had no friends or relatives nearby. Congress continued to exert Federal control over immigration with the Act of 2 March 1895, which upgraded the Office of Immigration to the Bureau of Immigration and changed the agency heads title from Superintendent to Commissioner-General of Immigration. The Act of 6 June 1900, further merged immigration enforcement by assigning both Alien Contract Labor law and Chinese Exclusion responsibilities to the Commissioner-General. (In 1902, the Chinese Exclusion Act was extended for and indefinite amount of time.) Also, since most immigration laws sought to protect American workers and wages, and Act of 14 February 1903, transferred the Bureau of Immigration from the Treasury Department to the newly created Department of Commerce and Labor. Attention then turned to naturalization; a duty assigned to Congress by the constitution but carried out by any court of record since 1802. A commission charged with investigating naturalization practice and procedure reported in 1905 that were was little or no uniformity among the nations more than 5, 000 naturalization courts. Congress responded with the Basic Naturalization Act of 1906, which framed the rules for naturalization in effect today. The 1906 law also proscribed standard naturalization forms, encouraged state and local courts to relinquish their naturalization jurisdiction to Federal Courts, and expanded the Bureau of Immigration into the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (INS). After the creation of the INS, a few more Immigration Acts or revisions were passed (1906-1910). Procedural safeguards for naturalization were enacted in 1906, in which knowledge of English was a requirement. Also the Immigration Act of 1907 extended the restrictions of earlier acts by using synonyms for criminals and the insane. Section One of the act was aimed at keeping Japanese and Koreans out of the Gentlemens Act between the U.S and Japan. While the Congress continued to strengthen national immigration with this act, a Presidential Commission investigated the causes of massive emigration out of Southern and Eastern Europe and a Congressional Commission reports later influenced the writing and passing of future acts, such as the Immigration Act of 1917, which required that immigrants be able to read and write in their native language. Although the United States of America is referred to as the melting pot, which it is, it did not achieve that name without numerous acts and laws restricting or containing immigration. Despite what people may think, with out some of these acts, the U.S. could have been subject to extreme over-population. However, it can be argued that the time during 1875 and 1910, there where an excess of acts passed which now would be considered extremely discriminative and racist. The final word is that immigration continues to this day with restrictions to keep it over control, and they are needed.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Opportunities and Facilities Essay Example for Free
Opportunities and Facilities Essay 1. School holiday football camps at schools such as George Salter in West Bromwich. 2. Leisure centres, schools have good facilities e. g. Swimming pools, gymnasiums, fitness suites, sports halls. All of which could be incorporated into an elite team/players training programme. 3. Local parks and Recreation grounds include – Greets Green Recreation Ground, Oakwood Park and Farley Park. 4. There are also opportunities to take part casually and in 5-a-side leagues at football centres like Goals and Powerleague. These centres give people a chance to play in a formatted system against their friends. There is one Goals centre in Sandwell. It is located between Oldbury and Blackheath. This means centres like these aren’t accessible to everyone in the borough. 1. Owned, run by commercial companies or clubs. 2. Academies good facilities, financial backing; facilities are well looked after. 3. Clubs – Tividale F. C, Tipton Town etc receive money through sponsors, gate receipts, hiring out facilities giving youths the opportunities to play in a small ground. 4. Netherton Colts under 18’s for example pay a yearly subscription to Tividale FC for use of Tividale’s main ground, The Beeches. 1. There are 2160 footballers in the Sandwell area, working on the fact that there are 135 teams in the area. (Based on 14 players per team) (Express Star, parklife) 2. However, there are far higher numbers of casual footballers who enjoy playing football on the park. Many of these people many not have the time or ability to play in an organised team. These are foundation level performers. Additional Agencies: 1. The Football Foundation is one of the largest sports charities in the world (footballfoundation. org. uk). Funded by the Premier League, the FA and Government, it’s a partnership between Central Government and the UKs leading sports industry. The Football Foundation will assist local clubs such as Tividale in gaining grants. FA Charter Standard: 1. Scheme created by the FA in 2001 to improve footballing standards across England. 2. Clubs benefit from football kit and equipment grants such as new safe goalposts. In 2010 Netherton Colts FC got granted two new football kits per year, per team for the next five years at a hugely subsidised cost through the scheme. Disability: †¢ Since English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) and the FA became partners in a national disability football programme opportunities to play and train locally for disabled people with regional competitions leagues have become more readily available with Sandwell Academy being the most local facility. However, other than the facility at Sandwell Academy there isn’t another used disabled football facility in the whole of Sandwell. This shows that provision for disabled footballers in Sandwell needs improving. Leadership Pathway: Provision and Opportunities: 1. Leadership courses available at school through The FA and BTEC Sport courses, this makes courses easily accessible as there are 17 secondary schools in Sandwell. 2. FA coaching badges can be achieved either through A-Level PE or in your own time and are open to anyone over 16, this age to start leadership could be considered too high as many people interested in football are keen to learn the game from a young age and pass on their knowledge. Schemes: 1. The FA Step into Sport aims to develop and retain youngsters of all backgrounds, and abilities. This is being implemented in Sandwell by flyers about sport being regularly handed out in schools with links to the FA’s Step Into Sport internet page. 1. The programme develops a future generation of leaders and volunteers aged 14-19 who have the knowledge and experience to make a positive contribution to local sporting communities. This programme could stop teenagers getting into trouble around the local area. Disability: Disabled coaches follow the same pathway as able bodied coaches but may need support when coaching. 2. The FA run a six hour coaching course for disabled leaders in football. This helps attract disabled leaders as they will not feel incapable or discriminated when on the course. These courses are currently run by the Birmingham FA at their training centres, none of which are in Sandwell. 3. This may discourage disabled coaches in Sandwell to take the course as they will need to find transport to take them to the training centres. Gender: Females and males are now given equal opportunities to lead football. 2. The FA is aiming for equality in football through more qualified female coaches. To promote women’s football and encourage more women to get involved. 3. Schools such as GSA and Wood Green Academy encourage equally both genders to take a leadership course either through PE or in their own time. 4. Seeing more female leaders may encourage more female performers to get involved as they may feel more comfortable being coached by a female. Officiating Pathway: Provision and Opportunities: 1. Officiating courses are run by The FA. 2. Anyone over 14 years old and deemed fit enough after a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) test can go on a course. 3. Promotion through the refereeing ranks comes with experience and hours refereeing, however this suggests the best referees are the ones who referee most regularly. This is not the case as some of the best referees don’t have the time to referee 3 days a week. 4. Courses can be found through schools with A-level PE and BTEC courses and through local clubs, such as Bustlehome FC. 5. Referees are registered with County Football Associations and local leagues, then appointed to officiate games in leagues such as Sandwell Minor League. Resources: 1. The FA and local Governing Bodies provide funding for referees training. 2. A level 8 junior referee can earn up to ? 75 each weekend. Referees can earn more if they referee adult matches and progress through the levels. 3. Having the incentive of income in a ‘deprived’ area such as Sandwell may encourage people to qualify as referee’s to earn extra cash. Schemes: 1. In 2010 The FA’s launched the ‘respect’ campaign to stop abuse and cut down the number of officials leaving the game due to it. 2. The Referees’ association offers referee training taught by former top level officials, such as Dermot Gallagher. This will attract people in Sandwell to the course as they have an expert to teach it who has made it at the top level. Disability: 1. Disabled matches are run by people who have done the disability coaching course unless a referee has experience at officiating disabled matches. 2. Currently, disabled people will not be found refereeing abled bodied matches due to often lack of mobility, awareness, or physical strength. 3. However, currently the disabled matches taking place in Sandwell are officiated by referees from around the country. However, officials from Sandwell would be able to officiate disabled fixtures if there was more fixtures played in the region. Gender: 1. Female officials take the same qualification route in England as male officials. More female referees and lineswomen in the football league, encourages women to further get involved in officiating. 3. The FA have a support network for female officials, to help stop female officials being forced out of the game if they get abused. 4. Despite this, there are still only 2 female referees registered by the Sandwell Minors League for the 2012-13 season. This shows more still needs to be done to increase numbers of female officials. Bibliography: Websites used: 1. http://www. thefa. com/GrassrootsNew/Player/ 2. http://www. lottery. culture. gov. uk/
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Toyotas Total Quality Management
Toyotas Total Quality Management The once magic spell of Henry Fords T-modal and assembly lines is a long forgotten memory. In todays highly dynamic market place the consumer cannot be satisfied with a black color ford. Today the global automotive industry is facing its toughest challenge of delighting the customer in an economical manner. The Toyota motor company of Japan has taken this challenge seriously and has proved its ability to compete with the once emperors of the industry such as Ford, Volvo, Chevrolet et al. Buy careful adoption of cutting edge technologies such as Total quality management, Toyota has turned itself into a game changer in the industry. This assignment focuses on how Toyota achieved its objectives using TQM. It unfolds in three stages starting with TQM and its scope. Secondly competitive environment analysis with SWOT and PESTLE analyses and finally it arrives at conclusion based on a thorough evaluation of the organization. Company Overview Toyota Motor Company (TMC) is the crown of Japanese auto industry. Started as a small car manufacturer on August 28, 1937 it gifted many quality innovations to the world throughout its history. In the early 1980s Toyota won its first quality control award in Japan. The company launched its luxury brand Lexus in 1989 which became a massive success. It also manufactures Scion an economical automobile brand that targets young adults. Toyota also conquered the hybrid car market with the launch of its iconic car Prius in 17. Today with a work force of 71,116 and an annual sale of US$228+ billion, Toyota is as profitable as all the other car companies combined. In 2007 it became the worlds largest auto manufacturer beating General Motors. (Info Literature Review Total Quality management Total quality management can be defined as A management psychology that seeks to integrate all organizational functions such as marketing, finance, design, engineering, production, customers satisfaction et al. to focus on meeting customer needs and organizational objectives. [Abstract Besterfield D, Michna Besterfield C, Besterfield Glen and Besterfield-Sacre Mary Total Quality Management (3rd Edition) (2002)] The team of the organization that the TQM is implementing tries to take part in improving processes, products, services as well as the culture which they work. This approach is inspired by quality leaders such as Philip B Crosby, W. Edwards Deming, Kaonru Ishikawa and Joshep M. Juran. According to Deming TQM involves 14 principles. 1. Create constancy of purpose 2. Adopt a new philosophy of cooperation 3. Cease dependence on mass inspection to achieve quality 4. End the practice of awarding business 5. Improve constantly, and forever 6. Institute training 7. Adopt and institute leadership for the management of people, 8. Drive out fear and build trust 9. Break down barriers between departments. 10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets asking for zero defects or new levels of productivity 11. Eliminate numerical goals, numerical quotas and management by objectives 12. Remove barriers that rob people of joy in their work 13. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement. 14. Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation. Today The concept of quality is significant more than ever before. The history of quality goes as far as 1920s to the times of gurus such as F.W. Taylor who is the father of scientific management. It erupted in 1950s in Japan in a time where the Japanese were searching ways to boost their economy that was ruined by World War 2. By 70s high quality Japanese goods had flooded the US and European markets. It took 20 years for the west to catch up the Japanese quality system. By today the growing global competition the quality has become a decisive factor and is inspired by changing customer needs. Today the customer is the person who defines the quality of a product. Quality management is important because achieving a higher quality is ever changing. Also failing to meet the quality standards continuously would result in losing customers. An organization can take many initiatives to assure quality of its products. Standardization is one such initiative that assures quality. Standardization can be carried out by round interchangeability, variety reduction; improved communication of technical criteria, commonly agreed safety and performance parameters. Standardization applies to raw materials, testing, sampling methods as well as processes Institutional learning is another way of ensuring quality. Here the training process for workers are recorded and will be used in the learning process. The learning forms such as lessons as well as good practices are the primary sources of the knowledge working process. The institutional learning process can be further enhanced through training workshops, evaluation material as well as electronic training media. Also by way of knowledge management an organization can assure the quality of its products. Under knowledge management the capacity to retain knowledge, educational capacity, design and training methods, the training programs as well as qualified trainers are the majors concerns under knowledge management. The fruits of knowledge management can only be picked when: The learnt knowledge puts in to practice. The knowledge is material in innovation. Turning tacit knowledge in to explicit knowledge Gathering and preserving knowledge from every possible source such as information, experience etc. SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis is a method used to analyze the internal and external environment of an organization. Following is a comprehensive SWOT analysis of Toyota Motor Company. Strengths Toyota operates factories in US and China that led to increase in company profits since 2005. The organization through careful segmentation, Targeting and positioning offers the right product mix to the market. Toyota is highly efficient in its manufacturing which uses total quality management. Toyota has a strong brand name which is a house hold brand name all around the world. Weaknesses Toyota is excessively focused on US and Japanese markets. Thus suffers from fluctuating economic and political conditions of these countries. Toyota has few layers in its hierarchy and as a result there are few opportunities for promotions. Heavy emphasize on techniques such as kaizen has led to higher level of stress among workers. Opportunities Toyota and Lexus has pioneered the environmentally friendly technologies. The world needs vehicles inspired by such technologies more than ever. The company is targeting the urban youth market which has a huge potential. The European Union is emerging as a world of opportunities for auto manufacturers. Toyota already has a large market share in countries such as Denmark, Finland, Ireland et al. Threats Global recession has drastically affected the performance of the global auto industry. Rising gas prices due to the OPEC decision of price hike is a severe damage. In 200, 2010 the product recall of Toyota was estimated to be million units. This can have adverse effects the organizations reputation. Toyota faces strong competition from rivals. New entrants from China, South Korea and India are growing rapidly. (Info PESTLE Analysis The PESTLE stands for P Political E Economical S Social T Technological L Legal E Environmental Political Since it is a global organization Toyota needs to observe the global political situation. For the past few years Toyota has been enjoying from some of the governments key decisions. The governments decision to limit vehicle imports to Japan and the US governments introduction of quota system in vehicle importing eases the pressure of heavy competition from the outsiders. The Japanese government has provided stimulus packages and tax reliefs to deal with the recent economic down turn. Economical The global recession has hit the global auto industry severely. With inevitable losses companies tend to cut jobs. The same is applicable to Toyota. Due to sky rocketing cost of living people might be prioritizing the fulfillment of their needs at primitive levels. In such a background the industry might get a serious blow. Also during the past 5 consecutive years the global auto mobile sales in major markets have sharply dropped. Social Social factors are vital in deciding the demand for a certain good. Throughout the past decade Japan is experiencing a growing adult population. It is estimated that by 2030 the 65 year old population will be 25.6% of the total population of Japan. Some critical changes in the age structure of the country can be observed. Also the countrys negative population growth rates provide serious implications for the business organizations. Because the shrinking population implies that the business organizations will have to face a shortage in skilled labor in the near future. [Source Matsumoto Yoshiko Faces of Aging: The Lived Experiences of the Elderly in Japan ] Technology With the introduction of cutting edge production technologies adoption of such technologies in the auto industry can be widely seen. Use of robotics for production in Japan has become a major trend. In this information age people have more ways to know about products which makes the present consumer a highly aware one compared to some decades back. The development in World Wide Web led to many organizations going online. The organization will have to adapt to the new ground realities of online marketing to stay ahead of the curve. Legal Today although the free trade is been heavily promoted some key player in the global economy are following protectionism. Countries such as India, Brazil et al are imposing legal restrictions on foreign auto manufacturers in order to promote indigenous manufacturing. With its recall of some of the car models in 2010 Toyota had to face several court cases over accidents occurred due to defect Toyota cars. It was reported that Toyota has paid $ 1.2 million in settlement of a case that was filed against the company. (Info Environment The global warming and climate change has become a burning problem in todays world. The changes in this regard have a major influence on the global auto mobile industry. The global warming has insisted the global auto manufacturing firms to come up with less emission solutions. Governments all around the world are raising the standards and tightening the environmental laws on this matter. In addition to the global warming problem the dwindling oil reserves in Middle Eastern countries which are expected to come to an end as soon as 2040s has urged the auto manufacturers to seek more sustainable and energy efficient solutions for the future. The green marketing has become a major weapon for any organization competing in todays auto industry. Today the green products as well as green production methods has become a threshold in many cases. Thus any organization lagging behind its counterparts in green marketing is in the path to destruction. Analysis Although the total quality management is widely adopted in todays highly dynamic business environment Toyota motor company has its own version of quality management called the Toyota production system or TPS. The TPS includes just in time production which means manufacturing products in required amounts avoiding excess inventories Kanban and Jidoko or automation. According to the field research done and published by Harvards Steven J. Spear it leads to the conclusion that Toyota has achieved a dynamic capability by following the Rules-in-Use for Organizational design, improvement, and adaptation. [Source Spear J Steven Just-in-Time in practice at Toyota: Rules-in-Use for building self-diagnostic, adaptive work-systems Harvard Business Review Oct 2002] The paper identifies that in TPS managed organizations every operation is performed by carrying out hypothesis testing experiments that makes accelerated generation and accumulation of individual and organizational learning about coordinating delegating, and performing work done collaboratively. This also includes work which is done repeatedly few times. The findings adds literature by explaining the most tools that got lot of attention in the operations research process were trustworthy and were giving uninterrupted service without any malfunctioning. [Source] Just in time The idea behind just in time is manufacturing the required amounts in required numbers at the required time. For instance the assembly line of a car arrives all the sub assembly lines should reach the main assembly line in right quantities. This will eliminate the need for inventories thus removing the requirement for warehouses and storage facilities. As a result the inventory cost will be drastically reduced giving a higher capital turn out to the company. The JIT manufactures quality products in an efficient manner by completely eliminating waste, inconsistencies and unwanted use of production lines. According to the JIT the Toyota by adhering to the following guidelines can manufacture a car which was ordered by a customer in a soonest possible manner. No sooner an order is received for a vehicle the instructions as well as specifications of the vehicle reach the start of the production line. The assembly line is stored with sufficient parts and components to enable the plant to assemble any kind of vehicle model without any delays. The assembly line must replace the parts used by retrieving the same number of parts from the parts-producing process. The preceding process should store a small number of all types of parts to manufacture only the numbers of parts that were retrieved by an operator from the next process. Although it proves to be a success of following JIT method it is a complicated exercise at Toyota as its business involves hundreds of spare parts and components. Kanban system Although many believe that kanban is TPS, the kanban method exist to manage the just in time method. Simply it is an information system which controls the quantities in every process. In kanban the required amount of units and types are written in a card called kanban. It is send to the people in preceding process to the subsequent process which connects many processes in a Toyota plant. This method is supported by followings. Smoothing of process Reduction of machine set up time Autonomation Standardization of jobs Improvement activities Kanban uses two cards. One a withdrawal card and the other a production order card. (Source According to the above figure there are two operational flows as production instruction kanban and the operational flow of parts retrieval kanban. In the production instruction kanban it involves 3 distinctive steps. Firstly a production instruction kanban A is removed when an operator retrieves parts. Then the numbers of parts that are indicated in the kanban card are only manufactured. Thirdly the kanban is attached to the newly manufacture parts ready for the next process. Then the next process starts on the operational flow of parts retrieval kanban. The parts are transferred to this process from the preceding process. Then as the first step the parts retrieval kanban is removed when an operator uses parts. Secondly the operator carries the kanban to retrieve replacement parts. As the third step the operator removes the production instruction kanban and replaces it with a parts retrieval kanban. Finally the parts that are displaying the parts retrieval kanban are transported to the next process. Autonomation To gain maximum of just in time 100% good units must reach the prior process. And this process should continue without any interruptions. This means quality control must co-exist with JIT to get the best out of kanban. The idea behind autonomation is built in a mechanism means to avoid mass production of defective items in product lines. It involves autonomous inspections for abnormalities in the process. At Toyota all machines are autonomous where every machine is attached with automatic stopping device. This avoids mass production of defective items and also alarms machine break downs if there are any. The above theory also applies to the manual works at Toyota where an employee pushes the stop button if something abnormal happens in the production line. This would eventually cease the operations of his whole lines. In order to detect discrepancies in the process a device called andon, an electric light board is hung very high in the factory that it is visible to everyone this is called Toyotas visual control system. Conclusion The Toyota production system is a practical and effective as it popped out from the real life experience of the organization. This system is enriched with practical effects, actual practices and implications over the analysis. This system has a vital role in developing the quality of operations of the companies all around the world. Even to this date hundreds of western companies are using the Toyota quality management methods which are a clear indication of Toyotas success. Since Toyotas founding we have adhered to the core principal of contributing to society through the practice of manufacturing high quality products and services. Our business practices and activities based on this core principal created values, beliefs and business methods that over the years have become a source of competitive advantage. these are the managerial values and business methods that are known collectively as the Toyota way. Fujio Cho, president Toyota [Source Liker Jeffery, The Toyota Way, McGraw-hill, 2003]
Saturday, July 20, 2019
How to handle your finance after divorce Essay --
How to handle your finance after divorce Divorce is a complex and heartbreaking episode in anyone's lives. You would not want to add in to your burden with monetary issues.This turn out to be a greater disaster if you were always being dependent on your partner or have money crunch. You can no longer afford to rely on anyone else other than yourself. So, gear up and get your act straight. We know it is difficult and at the same time important to start handling financial responsibility. Here are a few steps to help you to take the first step. Who owns the home In case the home is owned by your ex-spouse sole name, then you might want to consider registering for a share using a 'matrimonial home rights notice' or a 'restriction' notice. Both of these notices will help you in guaranteeing that your ex-partner won't try to sell, transfer or mortgage the property without your knowledge or agreement. Clear your mortgage concerns Explain your stand clearly, talk to the lender and discuss how you plan to manage the mortgage repayments. This also applies in case you are staying in...
Political Philosophy Essay examples -- Politics Essays
Political Philosophy Part One (Question 2) Aristotle, Locke, and Hobbes all place a great deal of importance on the state of nature and how it relates to the origin of political bodies. Each one, however, has a different conception of what a natural state is, and ultimately, this leads to a different conception of what a government should be, based on this natural state. Aristotle’s feelings on the natural state of man is much different than that of modern philosophers and leads to a construction of government in and of itself; government for Hobbes and Locke is a departure from the natural state of man. Aristotle’s emphasis is on the city-state, or the political world as a natural occurrence. He says â€Å"every city-state exists by nature, since the first communities do.†(Aristotle 3). Aristotle continually reiterates the notion that the creation of a community comes from necessity; individuals aim at the highest good of all, happiness, through their own rationality, and the only way to achieve happiness is through the creation of the city-state. Aristotle follows the creation of a household and a village to the creation of the city-state in which citizens are able to come together to aim at the â€Å"good which has the most authority of all,†(Aristotle 1) happiness. In turn, this necessity for the formation of a city state comes from the idea of man as a rational being. â€Å"It is also clear why a human being is more of a political animal than a bee or any other gregarious animal†¦ no animal has speech except for a human being.†(Aristotle 4). For Aristotle, human beings are political animals because of their ability to speak, their ability to communicate pleasures and desires, and their ability to reason. Aristotle’s state com... ...ased on their heritage as nobles or the virtues of their fathers. Burke states that â€Å"there is no qualification for government but virtue and wisdom,†(Burke 561). The most compelling argument for Burke against Locke is his idea that â€Å"government is not made in virtue of natural rights, which may and do exist in total independence of it†¦ but their abstract perfection is their practical defect.†(Burke 564). Burke looks at the rights laid out by Locke and Rousseau and scoffs at them, stating that they have no merit in the real world, attractive as they are in principle. He believes that the pretended rights of these theorists are all extremes, and are therefore morally and politically false. Burke believes that â€Å"the rights of men are in a sort of middle,†(Burke 565), and their incapability of definition completely contradicts the extreme rights as defined by Locke.
Friday, July 19, 2019
An Assortment of Memories, a Myriad of Histories Essay -- U.S. History
American society has traditionally been referred to as a â€Å"melting pot,†welcoming people of all races, religions, and heritages to enjoy the â€Å"freedom†that only America could provide. That was not always the case, as incidents such as the internment of Japanese Americans at Manzanar and the Lewis and Clark journey along the Columbia River exhibited American racial intolerance and demonstrated the inherent racism of the Manifest Destinyâ€â€an ideal upon which this nation was founded. Today, government agencies such as the National Park Service (NPS) aim to repair the United States’ negative reputation by creating national historic sites, which serve as either a celebration of American history or an apologetic reminder of events that can never happen again. In regards to these sites, the NPS sees its role as â€Å"a powerful shaper of historical images and messages,†capable of â€Å"determining, creating, and memorializing history for all Ame ricans†(Hayashi 53). I argue that the single shared history for all Americans that this statement suggests cannot exist. These American historical sitesâ€â€manifestations of the history the National Park Service aims to expressâ€â€present false equations of indigenous and immigrant experience in this country, representing versions of history and heritage that are not equivalent in past temporal scale and present cultural consequence. The erection of two historical sitesâ€â€California’s Manzanar and the Confluence Project along the Columbia Riverâ€â€exemplify the false equation of immigrant, indigenous, and settler experience in the United States. Upon analysis of these sites, we will see that the history portrayed there cannot be called a shared history because of the truly imbalanced way in which history is actually ... ...that makes up the American melting pot. â€Æ' Bibliography Confluence Project â€Å"The Confluence Project.†Last Modified 2012. Confluence Project Journey Book â€Å"The Confluence Project Journey Book.†Last Modified 2009. Daehnke, John 2012 The Confluence Project (lecture notes). Stanford IHUM 40B Class, May 1. Hayashi, Robert T. 2003 Transfigured Patterns: Contesting Memories at the Manzanar National Historic Site. In The Public Historian 25(4). Pp. 51-71. Berkeley: Regents of the University of California and the National Council on Public History. National Park Service â€Å"Lewis and Clark National Historical Park.†Last Modified April 23, 2012. . National Park Service â€Å"Manzanar.†Last Modified April 4, 2012. .
Thursday, July 18, 2019
North Korea Essay Essay
Imagine how life would be like if you lived in North Korea. A country so isolated and cut off from the rest of the world. Even after many decades from the war, North Korea and America have never truly been friends. North Korea holds America responsible for dividing their country into North and South. However there are many similarities and differences between America and North Korea. America is very different from North Korea. While we have a Constitution with a Bill of Rights, amendments and basic freedoms, they must follow whatever their leader says with no exceptions. Even though North Korea has a constitution and amendments, the leader still controls all of the country. American citizens are able to vote for their countries leader unlike North Korea, in which where the son of the leader takes his father’s place with ruling the country. So, only one man rules North Korea and all decisions are made by him. Distinct from North Korea, where people don’t have the due process of law, Americans have the right to try to prove that they are not guilty. North Koreans are brought up to love their leader and aren’t allowed to believe in anything else. For them, their leader is the greatest and he is always right. On the other hand, Americans are allowed to believe in whatever religion they choose is right for them. American citizens are all granted equal protection unlike North Korea where only high-ranking officials are provided with those same basic protections. Also, there is no Internet, and cell phones are banned from the country, which block the people from communicating with the rest of the world. Most Americans are provided with basic needs, but in North Korea, a lot of people (child or adult) go blind because they don’t have those basic needs. Lastly, because hospitals and medical care in North Korea is so bad, many people don’t get the treatment that they desperately need. Thankfully, in the U.S., we have good Medicare and trained doctors who are able to cure people every day. American rights also have many similarities to those of North Korean citizen. Both countries have very strong militaries. We similarly strive to become independent countries. The people in America and North Korea have responsibilities, duties, and limited rights. For example like paying taxes and respecting the leader/president. Even though the strictness of these three elements may change in each country, people in both countries still have to do these things. Although America is a democratic country and North Korea is a theocracy, they both have a strong government system. North Korea is ruled by Kim Jon Sun, our government has three branches and a president. Citizens of America are required to have a passport to travel to other countries, which is a lot like how North Korean’s are needed to have documentation in order to go to different places in their country. There are certainly more differences than similarities between America and North Korea. Living in North Korea would most definitely not be easy. So many things are available to us in the U.S. that wouldn’t be available to us in North Korea. American citizens have fair rights and can believe in whatever they want. We are able to travel to other countries and live according to our rules. Over looking all of the pros and cons of both countries, America would undeniably be an easier and more unrestricted country to live in.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
The Mark of Athena
Rick Ordain origination When you beat yourself on a truehearted ship waiting to land and indeed suddenly meet an exploding statue youre in accordant Chases life. The crew of the 4 demigods in the vaticination Seven venture issue to bivouacking Jupiter, a Roman camp. They go in that respect to view Percy, Frank, and Hazel the 3 otherwise demigods for the prophecy. They ride on the Argon 2nd, a ship that one of the demigods made which push aside travel in the air and water. by and by landing in peace, one of the septeter demigods started firing the ballista at the Romans and had no control over his bodyThe seven demigods barely made it out alive. amphetamine away from the Romans as fast as they could they head out to rescue tight-laced did Angelo and throw in the giants from destroying the gods. Amenable has her own dilemma though. She has to follow the slit of Athena to find and bring back something that the Romans stole from the Greeks that was use to Athena. The catch is that she can however go alone. No help, no powers Just her smarts. Go with her as she unravels why so numerous children of Athena have never beat back from trying to mind that holy figure that was taken by the Romans.Will the seven demigods make it in time to save Nice did Angelo? Will Amenable sub the mission that her mother sent her on, which naught has ever came back successfully or have even survived? Will they stop the giants who imprisoned Nice? Read The signalise of Athena to find out because, Im not telling you. My favorite character in this intelligence is Amenable because she goes through self-denial with her mother and gets the Job to follow the Mark of Athena. She is a very realistic stripling in America.Having a boyfriend and having problems with her mother. The altogether real difference between the seven demigods and real teenagers is that they have weapons, godly parents and powers jibe to their godly parent. I could only find one thing in th is book that I didnt like. It is that Rick put intimately all of the bad muckle on Percy and Amenable. All the other demigods just helped out and barely shared the bad luck except Leo. The rating I moderate to this book is 9. 99/10 only for the unjust distribution of bad luck.
Ruther-Fraud B. Hayes
Hayes was never a solitary, a boy of moods, wrote biographer H. J. Eckenrode. He had no seasons of transport followed by depression All his life he liked society and sh bingle in it in a modest representation non sparkling, non brilliant, further pleasing, satisfying. He had a gift of friendship and to the highest degree of those he loved in youth he loved in age. As a three-year-old man, however, Hayes went through a period of ample inner tension, which he himself attributed to a fear that he would one day lose his mind, as approximately relatives, on both sides of his family, had done.Overcoming this fear, he matured into a relaxed, easy-going fellow, a good conversationalist, and a keen perceiver of human nature. He genuinely loved batch and was interested in their thoughts and problems. When travelling by train, he invariably sat in the smoking car, glowing to strike up a conversation. He had a remarkable memory for the names and faces of the most daily acquaintances . As a politician he value the opposition and welcomed constructive criticism.Although not regarded as a great orator in his day, he delivered well-planned, reasoned, addresses in a clear, pleasant voice. the honor of success is increase by the obstacles which are to be surmounted. Let me rapture as a man or not at all. Rutherford B Hayes Honor, eh? Quite juiceless considering that he triumphed in the presidential election by making a sleazy political band and abandoning black Southerners to decades of oppression and discrimination, causing him to be cognise to history as Ruther-Fraud B. Hayes. Pros-He signed a legality which made it easier for Chinese Immigrants to come into the country (this was repealed with the elimination Act). He tied the value of the dollar to lucky instead of silver. He supported Reconstruction (After the obliging War).Cons-Great railroad track Strike greatly affected his presidency. Dealt with Conflicts with indigene American Tribes. Election Results are disputed in that respect is much more to him. If you are doing a jump look more into him, and the United States in superior general in the late 1800s. Hayes journal and his emphasis on self-improvement in the journal, along with his strong promote for black suffrage as a illustration in 1867 all lead me to believe that the outcome is, no. He was not racist towards blacks momentous events Munn v. Illinois, 94 U. S. 113 (1876)1, was a United States Supreme solicit pillowcase dealing with corporate rates and agriculture.The Munn v. Illinois case allowed states to regulate certain businesses within their b rambles, including railroads. The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 began on July 14 in Martinsburg, western Virginia, United States and ended some 45 age later after it was put down by local and state militias, as well as by federal troops. Hayes essentially exchange out his ideals to the former Confederacy in order to gain the Presidency. He allowed the former Co nfederate states to homecoming to governing themselves almost the same exact way they had been doing prior to the courtly War.This essentially set the Civil Rights movement back for almost a century, as many Jim Crow Laws were passed to ensure that blacks and other minorities could not rise to the same equality as whites, laws which were enforced in the Supreme Court case of Plessy v. Fergusson, which naturalized the separate but equal mantra, and later turn over in the case of Brown v. the Board of procreation of Topeka, Kansas. During his presidency, Hayes signed a number of bills including one signed on February 15, 1879 which, for the first time, allowed female attorneys to vie cases before the Supreme Court of the United States
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Misuse of power Essay
The crucible is largely touch with the laugh at and utilise of situation in capital of Oregon. discourse with refer to e genuinely troika char be bringiveers. The misemploy of bureau in The crucible leads to solemn woefulness and level(p)ing the deaths of several(prenominal) sincere tribe, in the town. any(prenominal) characters in the mutant vituperate their billet towards otherwise characters approximately characters vilification their force in the court of law of justice and al close to demoralise their debate in piety (in church building building service). In this set about(predicate) I correspond to sapidity at the victimize of function direction on the characters of Abigail Williams, regulator Danforth and lofty Parris.Abigail Williams Misuses her fountain extensively end-to-end the lend. She has tumefy-nigh of the adults in capital of Oregon accept that she is a pleasurable-flavored devoid daughter and so is neer incrimin ate or hang of doing anything revolting or unlawful. She as well as has most of the girls of capital of Oregon obeying her, referable to a commixture of celebrate and charge, aid of Abigail and in any case a fear of stomach in trouble for the dancing. The women of capital of Oregon ar excessively cowardly of Abigail as she could quite an considerably agitate them of witchery with no movements asked, as she is cognise to be sweet and acquitted.Abigail did contain index entirely oer rear keep an eye on when he was having an matter with her, as he propensityed subsequently Abigail. Although she no long-life has ply over basin monitoring device as he learns during the bring what she is rattling c ar when he solves her down. In act 3 of The crucible Abigail seems to attain office staff over court officials. When Abigail is accusatory bloody shame rabbit warren of witchcraft in the motor hotel, governor Danforth set forths to question Abigail. Abigail replies with shock and says that she is hurt, governor Danforth whence fleetly backs off.Abigail because take downs to jeopardize Danforth with how the pits could invite him in mobilise you be so right on that the magnate of endocarp whitethorn non turn your wits? look out of it. Danforth consequently seems to be cautious of Abigail in the following resolve to her, the discussion describes what he says as uneasily. Danforth has began to be aw be(p) of what Abigail is doing and intractable to non get in her expression or to-do her, as he didnt penury her to rouse him of universeness in take on with the Devil. If she did this it would be him on audition as well as in each(prenominal) told the others. other head word about Abigail is that she is a liar and she is precise safe at it.This is how she is so reckon by both(prenominal) mountain and fe ared by others. In my ruling the reason Abigail is so soldieryipulative and weird, and in any case seems to view as no sensation or a conscience, is because her parents were slay by Indians in battlefront of her. She describes this to the girls in a hard-hearted air, which shows that her emotions deem either been dead isolated from her lie with/lust for monitoring device and her enviously of Elizabeth. sublime Parris clapperclaws his reason in The melting pot because he does non designate the town of capital of Oregon notice his arrangement as a man of idol.The Churches part at that condemnation was really blotto and so empyrean Parris has no job in exploitation his world-beater the price way. The way in which he violates his office is broadly speaking from the stump of the church in his preachings. He believes that the church is the part of all plurality in the town. He in addition believes himself an tyrannical figure. He believes that any hotshot who does not invest his or her lives to the church should be questioned. He as well as demands that the mass of Salem are conformable to the church and himself. He says that if they are not obedient, so they will raise in hell. high-minded Parris discussion things same this in his sermon strikes fear into the townspeople, as they begin to deliberate fossa is upon them and this causes madhouse to hand out out, as they begin to call in and bacchanalia at one another. rarified Parris hates to be victimize, in the courtroom even when he complete that he is wrong to shoot all the people involved, he pipe down sticks to his beliefs just wrong they may be. Parris causes innocent peoples deaths all because of his beliefs, stubbornness, self-centeredness and his misuse of government agency.I induct reached the decision that the characters in The crucible do misuse their causality the 2 characters I chose edge this surmisal precise well. not all the characters in the play do, nevertheless there are many another(prenominal) characters that d o. This selfish act of misusing power in The crucible is very influential to how the secret plan develops. Without Abigail Williams performing kindred a selfish, despotic strumpet, or sacred Parris being selfish and power-hungry The crucible would dumbfound scattered its social unit page-turning ominous, experience.
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