Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Mask Dances of Bhutan - 4671 Words
Mask Dance (Cham) Classical dances in Bhutan are reflected in the religious mask pageants and ritual dances. With the introduction of Buddhism in the 8th century AD by Guru Padmasambhava from Tibet, ritual and mask dances gained roots in the Bhutanese system as part of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. With the birth of the great Terton (treasure revealer) Pema Lingpa in the 15th century, the mask dances in Bhutan took firm roots and gained an impetus as part of the Bhutanese cultural life. The Ter Cham (treasure dances) and Pe Ling Ging Sum were the most famous of the dances that still continues to this day. In the 17th century with the arrival of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal from Tibet, the mask dances further gained importance. Many new†¦show more content†¦There are many versions about the introduction of the Dramitse Ngachham. Most historians say that the dance was first introduced by Khedrup Kuenga Gyeltshen in Ogyen Thechog Choling monastery. This man was said to be a brother of Ani Choten Zangmo who settled at Dramitse after naming the place. Khedup Kuenga, while undergoing a retreat had a vision of three beautiful women who had the heavenly form, dressed in silken clothes with precious gems. These three heavenly bodies guided him to the abode of Guru Rinpoche where he witnessed celestial heroes and heroines performing a dance. After this incident, Khedrup Kuenga introduced the dance according to the prophecy made by Guru in his vision. The nineteenth century versions of the Dramitse Ngacham say that dance was also introduced in other parts of Bhutan by the end of nineteenth century. Today, the dance has evolved from a local event, centered on a particular community into an art form, representing the identity of the Bhutanese nation as a whole. Drametse Ngacham was also proclaimed as the masterpiece of the world intangible heritage in November 2005. Durdag Durdag is known as the dance of the Lords of the Cremation Grounds. On the external edges of a symbolic mandala where the assembly of the secret Tantric deities reside, there are eight large cremation grounds. Living in these cremation grounds are numerous lords (Chhokyong) who are bound by an oath to protect the religion. Among them is
Monday, December 16, 2019
Seminar Option Free Essays
(1) What are some factors both developmental and environmental associated with the safety of infants through the second birthday? â€Å"Sharing a bed with a newborn is dangerous if the adult is drugged or drunk-and this in danger of â€Å"overlying†the baby. It may be that co-sleeping is beneficial but bed-sharing is not, partly because adult beds. Unlike cribs, are often soft, with comforters, mattresses, and pillows that increase a baby’s risk of suffocation (Alm, 2007)†. We will write a custom essay sample on Seminar Option or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Berger 2012, p. 137). (2) What is cot death? Cot death is a diagnosis that’s made when an apparently healthy baby dies, without, warning, and for no clear reason. No one knows why babies die in this way. It must be a combination of factors that affect a baby at a vulnerable stage in their development. Some babies may have a problem with the part of the brain that controls breathing and walking. These babies don’t respond if their breathing is slightly restricted, such as if there are bed clothes covering their nose or mouth. Sadly, there’s no failsafe way to prevent cot death. However, you can do a number of things to keep your baby safe and reduce the risk. Put your baby to sleep on his/her back in a cot or Moses basket. For the first six months this should be in a room with you. Healthy babies placed on their back to sleep are not more likely to choke. This is the safest place and position for your baby to sleep in. At about five months of six months, babies start to roll. At this age the risk of cot death reduces and it’s safe to let your baby find his/her own comfortable sleeping position. But you should still put your baby down to sleep on his/her back. If you wake up and see that your baby is on his/her front, and he/she’s younger than six months old, gently roll him/her onto his/her back. Babies older than this can usually roll on to their back themselves. You don’t need to get up and check throughout the night, as likely to change position regularly when he/she sleeps. Don’t smoke during pregnancy or allow anyone to smoke around your baby. If you smoke during or after pregnancy, your baby’s risk of cot death increases. Cot death is more common in babies who are regularly exposed to smoke. The risk to your baby is increased if anyone in the house smokes, even if it’s in another room with a window open. Visitors should smoke outside so the air around your baby is always smoke-free. Never smoke in the same room as your baby. The safest place for your baby to sleep for the first six months is in a cot or Moses basket in the same room as you. Never share a bed with your baby if you or your partner are a smoker (even if you never smoke near your baby), have been drinking alcohol, are taking any medication or drugs or are very tired†(Baby Center, L. L. C. 2012). â€Å"Many factors can affect the development of a fetus. Environmental agents that can negatively affect prenatal development are called teratogens. Teratogen exposure tends to be most detrimental during the first trimester (the first three months) of pregnancy, when formation of the organs and brain occurs. However, some substances, such as alcohol, can have an effect at any point in pregnancy. Alcohol consumption can harm a developing embryo or fetus, although how much is too much remains much is too much remains unclear. â€Å"The only way to be absolutely certain that your baby is not harmed by alcohol is not to drink at all during pregnancy or while you are trying for a baby,†says the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (RCOG). Pregnant women who continue to drink are at increased risk of experiencing a miscarriage or still birth. Infants exposed to alcohol before birth may show signs of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FAST) including learning problems, behavioral problems, and physical disabilities, the RCOG reports. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which results in mental retardation and facial abnormalities, is uncommon. Unlike FAST), which can occur with only moderate exposure to alcohol. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome only occurs due to heavy drinking during pregnancy†(Demand Media, Inc. 2012). (3) How can you, as an early childhood care professional help parents plan for developmental and environmental factors associated with the safety and health of infants and young children? As an early childhood care professional I can help parents plan for developmental and environmental factors associated with the safety and health of infants and young children by providing parenting education services â€Å"that assist parents or primary caregivers to strengthen their knowledge and skills thereby enhancing positive parenting practices and promoting the health and optimal development of young children and by providing family support services that work with families to strengthen their resiliency and to address the stressors that impair their ability to nurture or support the healthy development of their children (ucla. du 2012). (4) Discuss some safety factors associated with toys. â€Å"There are many factors that should be considered in choosing a toy. Assuming that selected toys have been carefully made out of safe materials, the most important thing a consumer should do is consider the age and developmental stage of a child. Even when a child is very intellectua lly advanced, the age and developmental level of the child must be considered. When toys have labels indicating that they are not appropriated for children under three, they have not been safety tested for infants and toddlers. Genreally the concern is the size of the toy pieces and the risk or potential for choking†(CapitalKids. com 2012). References: Berger, K. (2012). The developing person through childhood. (6th ed. ). New York: Worth Publishers http://www. babycentre. co. uk/baby/health/cotdeath/? oo=0 http://www. livestrong. com/article/92641-factors-affecting-fetus-development/ http://www. healthychild. ucla. edu/Publications/Documents/ParentEd. pdf http://www. capitolkids. com/toy_safety. html How to cite Seminar Option, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Comfort Zone free essay sample
A comfort zone, particularly for high schoolers, serves as a no-risk, no-failure, no-rejection zone reflecting that most teenagers are not willing to extend themselves or jeopardize their reputations or risk potential embarrassment in front of their friends and acquaintances. Many students fear venturing out to try new activities or meet others who may hold similar interests. As for me, I was constructively forced out of my old group of friends who served as my comfort zone for the first two years of high school. Based on this experience, I firmly believe that people should be more receptive and open to new people who are culturally and ethnically diverse. Such experiences and people exist outside of our comfort zones a comfort zone is self-limiting and stagnant, causing us to miss out on enriching opportunities which are only available to those who extend themselves. Ultimately, I had to put myself out â€Å"there†to meet new people. We will write a custom essay sample on The Comfort Zone or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As a consequence, I also tried new things and activities that my new friends embraced as their interests. My first experience of being thrown out of my comfort zone simmered and then escalated through my sophomore year of high school. Many of my friends in freshman year had started to experiment, with little thought or consequences with boys, lifestyle choices, or unhealthy substances. For them, it was the â€Å"cool†thing to care more about revealing outfits, alcohol, parties, or dating rather than their families, academics, or the well-being of their friends. That was simply not me. None of my friends had the willpower to admit their risky behaviors, embracing peer pressure in their new group and new comfort zone of running with the in-crowd. However, they simply replaced one comfort zone for another riskier one with potentially severe consequences. This had little appeal for me. I considered myself to be more rational and grounded than my friends and was committed to seeking out new and diverse interests. I threw myself into my studies and became actively involved with community service and student organizations. While I gained newfound confidence and reaped the rewards of my academic work, my old friends coasted in school, with little thought or concern for their futures and not caring whether they would receive a summer school notification. As a direct result of our conflicting opinions and judgments regarding what was socially and morally right or acceptable, I accepted our differences but found we no longer shared the same interests, the only basis of our friendship. I could not go along with their group just to be accepted. Consequently, I experienced a high school student’s worst nightmare: set adrift with no peer group. To keep myself occupied during the summer before junior year, I attended a ten-day out-of-state college tour with other students from my school and gained the self-confidence necessary to make and cultivate new friends that would, at the very least, respectâ€â€if not shareâ€â€my interests. The first month of junior year was nerve-racking, between adjusting to the rigorous demand of coursework and making new friends. I would switch lunch tables daily. Eventually, I came across a group of girls whom I had been looking for all along. They accepted me with no prejudgments and shared mutual interests. In addition, these girls were well-centered and regarded themselves with the same self-respect and standards which I held for myself. To this day, these girls are still my friends, but I am also open to others who come from diverse socio-economic backgrounds and walks of life, sans judgment calls. I have a newfound empathy for what these girls may have experienced. Being locked in only one comfort zone did not benefit me, contrary to what many high school students believe. My first comfort zone required no effort and less imagination with no personal growth. Comfort equaled stagnation. A quote from the television series Boy Meets World sums up my personal experiences with peer groups: â€Å"Lose one friend, lose all friends, but don’t lose yourself.†All people should be more receptive and open-minded towards others who exist outside of their comfort zones and willing to invest the energy to get to know them. You will be richly rewarded for your efforts.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Eclogues free essay sample
While, Titters has goats he can hardly lead [E. I . 1 3] and is losing his land, Titters invited Melodious to enjoy his abundance of milk cheese with him, to experience his mealy chestnuts. Despite being told of all the dreadful places that Titters will have to relocate to, thirsty Africa, Britannic quite cut off from he whole world, and his poor cabins turf-heaped roof, Titters asserts himself and his prosperity, inviting Melodious to see all that he is missing. Also, in this passage, the second reference to shade and shadows is made.Of course, high mountains will cause taller shadows, however shadows often have a otherworldly meaning to them in Roman literature. Theres a sense of spirits and ghosts that goes along with the word, providing for an eerie end to the first Eclogue. A similar line is said in the third book of Horses odes, as the sun moved around the mountain shadows. We will write a custom essay sample on The Eclogues or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page . . [H. 3. 6. 41] This poem, Horses 3rd ode and 6th poem, is his most depressing and, not surprisingly most similar to Horses first eclogue.They both deal with the dismal aftermath of the Punic wars. However, Horses poetry focuses on the progeny of the warriors in Romeos civil war. He pays attention mostly to the decay of the morality and sense of duty in the generations after the war. This poem opens with a warning to the current Roman, you will pay for the sins four fathers until you restore the crumbling temples and shrines of the gods and their smoke-blackened images. But this is immediately followed by a reasoning behind this warning, making it seem as if this isnt arbitrary.It is said that because their neglect of the gods has brought many ills to the sorrowing lands of Hesperus. Similarly, as Titters was dealing with relationship problems, so are the Romans of Horses poetry. He has attributed the disaster that has flowed over our whole land and its people CHI. 3. 6. 19] to its corrupted marriage, family, and home. [H. 3. 6. 1 8] The Roman people have lost their sense of family and home, most probably because of the land confiscations. Home and property are a major symbol of belonging and stability for the Romans. With that lost, what is left to hold on to? The generations after the wars have lost their way and their direction. The women no longer have a a moral compass to guide them. A wife is easily persuaded to indulge in illicit pleasures: listening to any calls for her from a Spanish sea captain that will pay for a good price for her shame. [H. 3. 6. 32] After, Horace adds a couple more lines describing the steep decline of the generations after the Punic wars. Saying things like how these cannot be the hillier of men Voodoo stained the sea with Punic blood. [H. . 6. 33] The men who fought in the civil wars were the manly sons of farmer soldiers The men who fought in the wars were the sons of a strict mother. Here, note the singular use of mother. Horace is not describing mother as the maternal figure in a familial setting, which would make sense in this poem due to its ancestral descriptions. But, here, mother is used to describe Rome. These were the children of a strict mother, that lived in a household that was well put together and orderly. The placement of mother and sun so lose to each other is ironic.Even though this irony can only be found through an English translation, it is evocative of lyrics written by The Smiths. In the song How Soon Is Now? , they play with the words son and heir, which, go without saying sound like the elements sun and air. Just like in Horses third ode, he plays with mother and sun and the idea of progeny in terms of a greater scale: the generations to come and their mother, Rome. But, as the sun moved round the mountain shadows, [H. 3. 6. 41] things began to change. Here, the second reference to shadows and shade is made.Just as in Virgins first eclogue when Titters takes refuge in the cool shade, the weary oxen take this time to loose themselves from the yoke. As they are being let go of their duties on their yoke, a chariot brought on the hour they longed for. [H . 3. 6. 44] Concluding this poem is a pessimistic message regarding the present, as well as future generations: Our parents were not the men their fathers were, and they bore children worse than themselves, whose children will be baser still. [H. 3. 6. 45] The final line is not hopeful in the slightest way for a better enervation. It says that it is expected that the people of Rome will only get worse with time. However, saying something like that could be just the motivation that someone needs to better themselves. Comparing these two passages, one will notice the similarities in pastoral imagery and the references to shade and shadow. In addition, it can also be noted that these both have very dark and pessimistic tones to them. Having both been written after the Punic wars and the rise of Augustus, these poems show the displacement of familial values and the daily struggles of the people f Rome after Julius Caesar.Titters has lost his land and has to resort to leaving the country. Girls of the land cannot learn traditional Ionian dance steps because they have been lost to obscene lusts and wives have been lost to Spanish sea captain calls. Horace and Virgil, through Odes and Eclogues, respectively, have shown the downfall of Roman culture after the ascent of Augustus Caesar. Their statuses as respected poets amongst the people of Rome allow them a position of influence to restore the society to what it once was, perjuries.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Mike Duke Of Wal Mart Digs Into The Business Essay Example
Mike Duke Of Wal Mart Digs Into The Business Essay Example Mike Duke Of Wal Mart Digs Into The Business Essay Mike Duke Of Wal Mart Digs Into The Business Essay In the article, there are four strategies for next generation Wall-Mart. 1 . Become a truly global company. 2. Understand the business that retailers will face and solve them 3. Play an even bigger leadership role on social issues that matter to our customers. 4. Keep our culture strong everywhere. Q. Dukes concerns include merchandising and store displays. He learned Project Impact, and realized that this program will make sales suffered. Then he put into increase the number Of product offerings to days before project impact. After Wall-Mart has decreased sales. Duke found the price of fresh groceries of Wall-Mart was high. Then he aimed to build productivity loop and deliver on Every Day Low Price model everywhere. Q. Merchandising involves careful planning. The CEO should be concerned about the item sells on the right place, at the right time, in the right quantities and at the right price. They should how many products on store shelves. If a company orders too much of an product, it may overstock. The product might be spoil, and it might waist a lot of money. If too little product is ordered, it might not satisfy to customers. They may get it elsewhere. So the CEO should have knowledgeable about statistics. And because the price of product is transparent now, the seller should be offering a competitive price. Sometimes can give special offers, like free samples, and also can do some promotions. Q. In the article, it is noticed that Wall-Mart customers were running money at the end of the month. Because most customers live paycheck to paycheck and shop a lot at the beginning of the month and decrease shopping at the end of the month. So I think Wall-Mart can be do some promotion sales at the end of month to promote consumption.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Turkey (Meleagris gallapavo) History
Turkey (Meleagris gallapavo) History The turkey (Meleagris gallapavo) was inarguably domesticated in the North American continent, but its specific origins are somewhat problematic. Archaeological specimens of wild turkey have been found in North America that date to the Pleistocene, and turkeys were emblematic of many indigenous groups in North America as seen at sites such as the Mississippian capital of Etowah (Itaba) in Georgia. But the earliest signs of domesticated turkeys found to date appear in Maya sites such as Cob beginning about 100 BCE–100 CE. All modern turkeys are descended from M. gallapavo, the wild turkey having been exported from the Americas to Europe during the 16th century. Turkey Species The wild turkey (M. gallopavo) is indigenous to much of the eastern and southwestern US, northern Mexico, and southeastern Canada. Six subspecies are recognized by biologists: eastern (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris), Florida (M. g. osceola), Rio Grande (M.g. intermedia), Merriams (M.g. merriami), Goulds (M.g. mexicana), and southern Mexican (M.g. gallopavo). The differences among them are primarily the habitat in which the turkey is found, but there are minor differences in body size and plumage coloration. Oscellated Turkey (Agriocharis ocellata or Meleagris ocellata). Corbis Documentary / Getty Images The ocellated turkey (Agriocharis ocellata or Meleagris ocellata) is considerably different in size and coloration and thought by some researchers to be a completely separate species. The ocellated turkey has iridescent bronze, green, and blue body feathers, deep red legs, and bright blue heads and necks covered with large orange and red nodules. It is native to the Yucatn peninsula of Mexico and into northern Belize and Guatemala- in a completely different range than wild turkeys- and is today often found wandering in Maya ruins such as Tikal. The ocellated turkey is more resistant to domestication but was among the turkeys kept in pens by the Aztecs as described by the Spanish. Before the Spanish arrived, both wild and ocellated turkeys were brought into co-existence in the Maya region by the extensive trade network. Turkeys were used by precolumbian North American societies for a number of things: meat and eggs for food, and feathers for decorative objects and clothing. The hollow long bones of turkeys were also adapted for use as musical instruments and bone tools. Hunting wild turkeys could furnish these things as well as domesticated ones, and scholars are attempting to pinpoint the domestication period as when the nice to have became need to have. Turkey Domestication At the time of the Spanish colonization, there were domesticated turkeys both in Mexico among the Aztecs, and in the Ancestral Pueblo Societies (Anasazi) of the southwestern United States. Evidence suggests that the turkeys from the U.S. southwest were imported from Mexico about 300 CE, and perhaps re-domesticated in the southwest about 1100 CE when turkey husbandry intensified. Wild turkeys were found by the European colonists throughout the eastern woodlands. Variations in coloration were noted in the 16th century, and many turkeys were brought back to Europe for their plumage and meat. Archaeological evidence for turkey domestication accepted by scholars includes the presence of turkeys outside of their original habitats, evidence for the construction of pens, and whole turkey burials. Studies of the bones of turkeys found in archaeological sites can also provide evidence. The demography of a turkey bone assemblage, whether the bones include old, juvenile, male, and female turkeys and in what proportion, is key to understanding what a turkey flock might have looked like. Turkey bones with healed long bone fractures and the presence of quantities of eggshell also indicate that turkeys were kept at a site, rather than hunted and consumed. Chemical analyses have been added to the traditional methods of study: stable isotope analysis of both turkey and human bones from a site can assist in identifying the diets of both. Patterned calcium absorption in eggshell has been used to identify when the broken shell came from hatched birds or from raw egg consumption. Turkey Pens: What Does Domestication Mean? Pens to keep turkeys have been identified at Ancestral Pueblo Society Basketmaker sites in Utah, such as Cedar Mesa, an archaeological site which was occupied between 100 BCE and 200 CE (Cooper and colleagues 2016). Such evidence has been used in the past to implicate the domestication of the animals- certainly, such evidence has been used to identify larger mammals such as horses and reindeer. Turkey coprolites indicate that the turkeys at Cedar Mesa were fed maize, but there are few if any cut marks on turkey skeletal material and turkey bones are often found as complete animals. A recent study (Lipe and colleagues 2016) looked at multiple strands of evidence for tending, care, and diet of birds in the US southwest. Their evidence suggests that although a mutual relationship was begun as early as Basketmaker II (about 1 CE), the birds were likely used solely for feathers and not fully domesticated. It wasnt until the Pueblo II period (ca. 1050–1280 CE) that turkeys became an important food source. Trade These ocellated turkeys (Agriocharis ocellata) dont seem very interested in the Maya ruins at Tikal, Guatemala. Christian Kober / robertharding / Getty Images A possible explanation for the presence of turkeys in Basketmaker sites is the long-distance trade system, that captive turkeys were kept within their original habitats in Mesoamerican communities for feathers and may have been traded up into the United States southwest and Mexican northwest, as has been identified for macaws, albeit much later. It is also possible that the Basketmakers decided to keep wild turkeys for their feathers independent of whatever was going on in Mesoamerica. As with many other animal and plant species, domesticating the turkey was a long, drawn-out process, beginning very gradually. Full domestication might have been completed in the US southwest/Mexican northwest only after turkeys became a food source, rather than simply a feather source. Sources Cooper, C., et al. Short-Term Variability of Human Diet at Basketmaker Ii Turkey Pen Ruins, Utah: Insights from Bulk and Single Amino Acid Isotope Analysis of Ha. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 5 (2016): 10-18. Print.Lipe, William D., et al. Cultural and Genetic Contexts for Early Turkey Domestication in the Northern Southwest. American Antiquity 81.1 (2016): 97-113. Print.Sharpe, Ashley E., et al. Earliest Isotopic Evidence in the Maya Region for Animal Management and Long-Distance Trade at the Site of Ceibal, Guatemala. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115.14 (2018): 3605-10. Print.Speller, Camilla F., et al. Ancient Mitochondrial DNA Analysis Reveals Complexity of Indigenous North American Turkey Domestication. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107.7 (2010): 2807-12. Print.Thornton, Erin, Kitty F. Emery, and Camilla Speller. Ancient Maya Turkey Husbandry: Testing Theories through Stable Isotope Analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science: R eports 10 (2016): 584-95. Print. Thornton, Erin Kennedy. Introduction to the Special Issue - Turkey Husbandry and Domestication: Recent Scientific Advances. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 10 (2016): 514-19. Print.Thornton, Erin Kennedy, and Kitty F. Emery. The Uncertain Origins of Mesoamerican Turkey Domestication. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 24.2 (2015): 328-51. Print.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
'Has nudity in advertising become dysfunctional Essay
'Has nudity in advertising become dysfunctional - Essay Example The findings showed that mixed results. Majority of the participants felt that nudity enhanced the effectiveness of advertising. However, there were also some participants who felt that nudity lowered the effectiveness of advertising. The findings of this study have implications for marketing experts and for people responsible for developing adverts. There is an urgent need for marketers to understand how their target customers will view the advert that contains nudity. Marketers need to respect the views of their customers and not show anything which may offend them. Presently it is observed that utilizing nudity in promotional advertisements has take up pace and many people are falling for it too. Companies are concerned with large scale revenue generation and therefore it is okay for them to ignore some standards of ethics. 14 It should be noted here as per Gibson (1982), that the most important aspects of an organization that are depicted in its branding and advertisement schemes are organizational culture and organizational structure. 15 A company’s internal environment has a large amount of psychological and economical bearings on the company’s working. It serves as the paradigm says Cassidy (2005) in which workers from different departments work to a foreseeable future. It is therefore necessary for all the components to work in utter solidarity with each other. A harmonious environment catalyzes a more efficient response with better results as explained by Kasoori (2009) 20 A prosperous procedure in the company should consider some sort of well organized and also effectively propagated advertisement promotions which might be both equally influential and also workable. Elliot (1997) says that a number of variable mass media transmission options must be employed; web, radio stations and also television set must be used by promotional campaigns as the items along with the business
'Has nudity in advertising become dysfunctional Essay
'Has nudity in advertising become dysfunctional - Essay Example The findings showed that mixed results. Majority of the participants felt that nudity enhanced the effectiveness of advertising. However, there were also some participants who felt that nudity lowered the effectiveness of advertising. The findings of this study have implications for marketing experts and for people responsible for developing adverts. There is an urgent need for marketers to understand how their target customers will view the advert that contains nudity. Marketers need to respect the views of their customers and not show anything which may offend them. Presently it is observed that utilizing nudity in promotional advertisements has take up pace and many people are falling for it too. Companies are concerned with large scale revenue generation and therefore it is okay for them to ignore some standards of ethics. 14 It should be noted here as per Gibson (1982), that the most important aspects of an organization that are depicted in its branding and advertisement schemes are organizational culture and organizational structure. 15 A company’s internal environment has a large amount of psychological and economical bearings on the company’s working. It serves as the paradigm says Cassidy (2005) in which workers from different departments work to a foreseeable future. It is therefore necessary for all the components to work in utter solidarity with each other. A harmonious environment catalyzes a more efficient response with better results as explained by Kasoori (2009) 20 A prosperous procedure in the company should consider some sort of well organized and also effectively propagated advertisement promotions which might be both equally influential and also workable. Elliot (1997) says that a number of variable mass media transmission options must be employed; web, radio stations and also television set must be used by promotional campaigns as the items along with the business
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
How Customer Service earns Customer Loyalty Thesis
How Customer Service earns Customer Loyalty - Thesis Example The study would also include a section that would address the area of primary research methodology that would be used to analyze the research question. Finally the study would also contain a section that would summarize the findings of the study and finally suggest certain plausible recommendations that would help marketers of service based organizations to formulate effective strategies that helps in build long term relationships with the organizations thus fostering customer loyalty and ensuring sustainable competitive advantage for the organization in the long run in the competitive and turbulent business environment. Table of Contents How Customer Service earns Customer Loyalty 1 Abstract 2 Chapter 1: Introduction 5 Statement of Problem and Importance of Study 6 Definition of Terms 8 Customer Loyalty 8 Brand 8 Brand Equity 8 Innovations 8 Service Mix 8 Research Questions 9 Summary 9 Chapter 2: Literature Review 10 Historical Background 10 Service Delivery and Customer Loyalty 11 Measuring Customer Satisfaction 14 Distinction between Products and Services 15 Elements of Customer Loyalty 17 Service Innovations and Customer Loyalty 18 Customer Loyalty and Competitive Advantage 20 Service Mix and Customer Loyalty 21 Customer Loyalty and Brand Image 22 Summary 24 Chapter 3: Primary Research Methodology 24 Sampling 25 Data Collection Techniques 25 Research Methodology 26 Summary 27 Chapter 4: Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations 28 Discussions 28 Conclusions 29 Recommendations 30 References 32 Chapter 1: Introduction The present age of business and consumer markets is rightly termed as the age of consumers. Business organizations in the wake of increased completion within the market are trying out new means to lure customers. It has become essential for organizations to not only attract new customer alone but to also retain the existing customers. In this event customer relationship management and consequently customer loyalty have become largely an importa nt part of the strategy formulation of business organizations. This strategy of business organizations follows from the popular thought which states that it is easier and less expensive to retain an old customer rather than acquiring a new one. Promoting customer loyalty has therefore become one of the most important elements of strategy formulation for business organizations. Customer loyalty is largely measured as an outcome of the level of customer satisfaction which is defined as â€Å"the customer’s fulfillment response to a customer experience, or some part thereof†(Buttle, 2008, p.44). Business organizations are trying out newer strategies to induce customer loyalty which includes providing loyalty cards that can be used by the customer to redeem points based on their purchases. The points can be redeemed for cash discounts or other offers which helps induce repeat purchases by the customers. Customer loyalty has gained widespread importance in the recent years with the dynamics of markets changing from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market. Promoting customer loyalty also helps an organization to get closer to its customers so as to better analyze the demands of the customers. The importance of customer loyalty can be gauged from the fact that in Europe
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Leadership Approach Essay Example for Free
Leadership Approach Essay Various theoretical approaches have been conducted to determine the impact of leadership and the key attributes of effective leaders. The five research approach comprise of the trait approach, behavior approach, power-influence approach, situational approach, and integrative approach. Although each approach has its merits and issues, the focus of this paper will be the situational approach. Overview The situational leadership approach views leadership in relation to a specific context. The study suggests that for every situation a specific leadership style is appropriate. In situational leadership, the factors that affect the leadership style include the situation, the organization, the followers, the timing and the nature of work (Yukl, 2010). By assessing these factors, leaders make decisions on their leadership style. In addition, situational leadership has two subcategories. The first one reviews the similarity or differences of leadership within an organization. This study involves using comparison between situations and the differences or similarities between approaches. The second study evaluates the correlation between leadership traits, skills and attributes to leadership effectiveness (Yukl, 2010). Finally, the study by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard in 1969 provided a matrix of communication for use in this type of leadership. The matrix recommends the use of four influence competencies such as telling or directing, selling, delegating and participating. Each style is adapted to the follower’s maturity or competency. â€Å"The four styles suggest that leaders should put greater or less focus on the task in question and/or the relationship between the leader and the follower, depending on the development level of the follower†(Changing Minds, 2012). Strengths and Weaknesses The strength of the situational approach of research is that it provides a variety of study iterations, thus allowing for the researchers to control certain parts of the study. Moreover, the situation is observable and results are easy to understand. Thus the study provides flexibility and control in modifying various factors within the control situation. For instance, by manipulating a certain control situation, researchers can review the leaders’ reactions and methods to resolving the issues put forward. The weaknesses of using this approach are that it contains too many variables. Endless numbers of variables can be factored in to a situation and thus, can create confusion in the study. Moreover, the approach does not clearly distinguish between leadership and management and given a situation, managers can act as leaders and vice versa without further clarification. Examples of Situational Leadership Situational leadership exists in __________, a financial service firm, and the author’s current employer. Situational leaders use four influence competencies such as telling or directing, selling, delegating, and participating. Each style must be applied to the appropriate situation being affected and the audience or group being addressed (Changing Minds, 2012). The examples will be based on the author’s observations of her direct superior, the Senior Partner of the company, (â€Å"Eric†). As senior partner, Eric is in charge of the company’s strategic direction. Thus, he delegates authority to various skilled and competent individuals. In everyday business, Eric uses the delegating and participating style. He understands that the branch managers and senior staff are skilled to handle every day issues. However, in times of uncertainty and stress, for instance, the possible stock market decline, Eric shifts his style to more of a telling or directing style. This telling or directing style is typically used in lower competency and low trust group of followers. Even though Eric realizes that the senior staff members are well trained to handle stock market declines, Eric looks at the situation and modifies his behavior and communication style to a more directive leadership. Conclusion The situational approach in studying leadership provides an overview of the use different traits, skills and communication styles in order to fit into the situation. Although this approach has its merits and weaknesses, it is the most widely used leadership study. Regardless of the approach used in study or leadership style, the most important factor is the leader’s accountability for the outcome of the decisions made. Reference Changing Minds, (2012), Hersey and Blanchard’s Approach, Retrieved from: http://changingminds.org/disciplines/leadership/styles/situational_leadership_hersey_blan chard.htm Yukl, G. A. (2006). Leadership in organizations (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Cellular Phones :: Mobile Cell Cellular Telephones Phones Essays
Cellular Phones Cellular phones are a phenomenon that has engulfed people in the nineties. They have become a common occurrence whether you are waiting in line at the super market or in a movie theatre. One professor at Murray State University said, â€Å"Many students are carrying them, I had a student get a call in the middle of a test last semester.†Although many people have accepted the thought of carrying a telephone wherever they go, others have not taken the onslaught of cell phones quite so easily. Cell phones have become part of everyday life, and with the dramatic changes that have been made, there is no sign of their existence diminishing. Today, cellular service is available in all 306 Metropolitan Statistical Areas across the country and all of the 428 Rural Service Areas. Cellular phones carry a diverse group of users. In June 1985, there were about 203,000 cellular phone service subscribers. By June 1989, the number had exploded to 2.7 million subscribers, and by June 1995 there were mire than 26 million subscribers. When cell phones were first introduce, only people with a lot of money had them and the service was very expensive. It was a lot cheaper to stop and use the pay phone than it was to use a cell phone. Now, it is almost as cheap to use a cell phone to make a long distance call as it is to make a long distance call using AT&T. Long distance calling has become a vast market of sales and bribery. A majority of cell phone users have a long distance plan with there cellular package. A lot of college students have cell phones just to make long distance calls home to their friends and family. Depending on the time of day, a person in Fayetteville, Arkansas can call a person in Dallas, Texas for as little as 9 cents a minute. That is very cheap for that type of telephone call. Why have Americans become so attached to cellular phones? Is it convenience, or just the way a person feels driving down the road talking to someone. There is no way to tell. I think it is very important to look at the reason Americans buy and use cellular phones. In a survey taken in 1996, Southwestern Bell Cellular asked 5,000 of its users to fill out a survey.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Job Descriptions Essay
As the second assignment of the Session Long Project submit a sample job description for the position you hold with your current employer. Were there any areas in this job description that you felt were missing that were pertinent to your job? If you were working in the human resource department how would you know if the candidate applying for the position could do the job? If not currently employed, use your last position. Be sure to incorporate module concepts into your assignment. Limit your response to 4-5 pages and remember to cite any references that you used. Job descriptions are a very important aspect of the employment process. It is a tool used to describe to the employee what is expected out of them during their time at the company. I will discuss what an effective job description should contain and what it should not contain. Also, the importance of receiving positive feedback from past employers. I will describe my current position and what was explained to me. If used c orrectly, the job description has the potential to tell the applying possible employer everything, with little questions to be asked. My current employer is within the United States Air Force, I am a Aerospace Medical Technician, when I first enlisted I came in open general, which means you do not get to pick your job, they choose it for you. I was not given much detail about this job, besides it was in the medical field. I knew I wanted to be in the medical field within the Air Force due to my past job as a pharmacy technician. While I was applying for this job, I went through the interview process and felt like it was very generic and did not tell me much of what I was applying for. Since it was a small town, family owned pharmacy, the employment process was not very thorough. It was not the basic behind the counter pharmacy technician duty, it was based around assisted living homes and home medical equipment, not much retail. During my time there, I was able to learn many things about each drug, side effects, compounding drugs, home medical equipment and how assisted living homes operated. I was unaware of most opportunities that were given to me while applying. The basic knowledge I was given during the interview process and what was going to be expected out of me was to have a basic understanding of the medications I would be delivering to assisted living homes and to be able to learn the brand name and generic brand name for the drugs to be filled. When I was hired as an employee there, most of the knowledge gained was best learned by getting involved and following someone who would teach you and help speed up your progress. I was able to shadow a few other technicians and occasionally the pharmacists. What I felt was missing from this description was they did not go in much detail about room for growth, although I was not complaining about the handful of promotions I was given, it was very vague on what I would be to do next. Jumping from a full time pharmacy technician where I was able to fill the prescriptions than to traveling to private homes and assisted living homes to set up home medical equipment could be very frustrating if you were not prepared for this step. Job descriptions should be feasible, understandable and accurate for the companies essential needs. They should include information to attract the right candidate, describe the main areas of the position, job training and career advancement. Specifically, the description should include the job title, summary of the title, scope of practice, list of duties and salary range. Effectively developed, employee job descriptions are communication tools that are significant in your organization’s success. Poorly written employee job descriptions, on the other hand, add to workplace confusion, hurt communication, and make people feel as if they don’t know what is expected from them. (Susan M. Heathfield, 2012). If employers were to spend a little bit more time making a more efficient and accurate job description, it would make the Human Resource Departments job a lot easier when it comes to the hiring process. This alone, I believe would limit issues brought to the department. During the hiring process, the human resource department has an abundance of information to scroll through when making the final decision to hire the right candidate for the job. This is a very tough process to go through when trying to pick the right person, you have countless things to compare to. If I were to be within the human resource department and was involved in the hiring process, the first thing I would look at, would be the level of education needed for the applying position. Does the applying candidate have the right level of education needed? Secondly, if the candidate has any job experience within the applied field. Experience is one of the more important factors, especially within the medical field. I would prefer if my chosen candidate has a steady medical background. Use employee job descriptions to obtain employee ownership and support for the position and to trace the parameters of the skills and abilities you seek for the position. In hiring, well-written employee job descriptions can help you make good hiring decisions. And hiring the right team is critical for your future success. (Susan M. Heathfield, 2012) If at all possible, the best way to choose the right candidate would be an internship. It allows the possible employees to work alongside other employees and learn about the job, as well as the corporation. It also allows the employee themselves to make sure the opportunity is right for them. It gives them the opportunity to learn all the ins and outs of the job. This will also allow every candidate to be able to stand out, not only will the employers be looking at a piece of paper, or what college they went to, it puts a face to the name. I believe that if you have a passion for something and you are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job, this will make you stand above the rest and get chosen. Even if you are not chosen for the job, you still have more experience under your belt and gives you the chance to network out and possibly meet the right person for your next work opportunity. In summary, I have much to learn about the human resource department and the hiring process. I am taking everything I have been able to experience and apply it to my current position. To get the job you want, the best thing to have is the right education for it and to know that if you currently do not have experience in that job, do not give up, there are always alternate routes to make sure you get the knowledge needed. If you aim your sights on something you desire, your passion for it will take you there. Hopefully, this knowledge will benefit me and make me stand out. Reference Page Susan M. Heathfield, 2012. Why Effective Employee Job Descriptions Make Business Sense. 5 Tips About Employee Job Descriptions. http:// humanresources.about.com/od/glossaryj/a/jobdescriptions.htm
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist: A Few Reflections Essay
All of us, no matter what our station in life, have dreams. These dreams may be vibrant and alive, pulsating in our entire being; or they may be dead, perhaps worn down by the weight of the years and the affairs of daily life. For the people who nourish great, expansive dreams in their heart, each day is full of meaning and direction. But for those who have let their dreams fade, life, no matter how pleasurable it may be, is empty of real fulfillment. Only those who chase their dreams, no matter what the difficulty, will be able make something of themselves, living a life of their own choice. In Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist, we have the story of Santiago, a young shepherd who dreams of buried treasure in the Pyramids of Egypt. He chases his dream, leaving behind all that he knew. He encounters difficulty after difficulty, and more than once comes face to face with his imminent death. Indeed, until the very end of the novel, it seems as if Santiago will perish in a distant land without having reached his goal. And yet, through circumstances that he could not have foreseen, he eventually obtains his treasure – both in gold and wisdom. The Religious Journey Called Life There are many parallels between Santiago’s experiences in the book and the spiritual journey that we all must take up. His journey, set off by a recurrent dream, speaks to us of the goals and aims that we hold dear to our hearts. And, like him, we may ignore the persistent voice of our inner self in order to pursue short-sighted objectives, being aware of our possibilities but afraid of leaving a familiar world behind. We all have a purpose in life that no one else can fulfill but us. We are put on earth to carry out particular mission, a task that we are well-suited to, in spite of our limited self-concept and our current circumstances. And, oftentimes, the most important thing we can do is to simply get started. Christians have no difficulty believing in a purpose set by God, and yet too many people shrink from what seems to be the Herculean efforts that will be required of them to see it through. When they do this, they show how little faith they have in the wisdom and grace of God. After all, would an all-knowing, all-powerful being set a task for a man that he cannot bear? In all actuality, it is man who doubts his capacity, seeking to make his life more manageable by circumscribing it, rather than making it the exquisite and meaningful adventure that it was meant to be. Like Santiago, we all have to be able to give up our day-to-day affairs in order to pursue a higher goal. In and by itself, the routine of daily life is not very meaningful, especially if we are aware that there is something greater that must be accomplished. The first time that we step out to do something about our goals, we will be hit by the fear of uncertainty, which will be aided in large part by the opinions of people around us. If, for instance, you feel called to travel the world for a few years, you will be hit by myriad concerns. Where will the money come from? Will I have a job when I get back? What will people think of me? These concerns, relatively trivial when beholding a one’s purpose in life, appear much more important to us than they should, in part because there will always be people around to convince us that what we propose to do is impractical – even crazy. Even Jesus’ injunction to â€Å"take no thought for the morrow,†though well-known by all who profess the Christian faith, has often easily been swept aside by more pragmatic considerations. The Alchemist: A Christian Book? Christian similarities notwithstanding, those who wish to see The Alchemist as a purely Christian book are bound to be disappointed. Indeed, the book makes as much out of Islamic principles as it does Christian ones. Also, the very title itself is suggestive of the occult, for established Christianity has historically viewed alchemy as little more than the work of the Devil himself. Putting these narrow considerations aside, however, anyone should be able to see that the true value of The Alchemist lies in the universality of its message. All religion, in it purest form, aims to transcend daily life and come into communion with the divine reality. In the end, connection with the divine cannot be distilled into practiced systems of moral behavior, or in the practice of rituals. One must learn to listen within, to get in touch with the divine spark that resides in each person. Only by persisting in this quest – this journey – can we gain the inner strength required to find our own individual â€Å"treasure. â€
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Exempt vs Non-Exempt Employees
Exempt vs Non-Exempt Employees Free Online Research Papers In most organizations employees fall into two categoriesexempt and non-exempt status. The exempt and non-exempt terms was brought into effect through the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and was written to protect employees from being required to work long hours with out being compensated and an incentive for employers to attract potential candidates. The difference between the two categories could cost the organization quite a lot of money. This means that employees who fall into the exempt status are exempt from overtime regulations and minimum wage laws. On the other hand, employees who are classified as nonexempt must be paid for every extra hour of overtime they work. According to the U.S Department of Labor (2007), the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), requires that most employees in the United States be paid at least the federal minimum wage for all hours worked and overtime pay at time and one-half the regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 hours in a workweek. In addition, the FLSA also dictates that an employee’s title does not determine their status. In other words, for an employee to be considered exempt the employee’s pay and specific job duties must meet all the requirements. Regardless of the number of hours worked exempt employees do not receive overtime pay. However based on the supervisor’s discretion employees are offered compensatory time for excess hours worked. Determining exemption status can sometimes be a very complex process. To determine employers have to consider the primary purpose of the position and how the tasks fits with the purpose. According to Turner (n.d), job analysts use organizational charts, compare similar positions, use field manuals, and read the FLSA guidebooks to determine the category. Misclassification of status can result in severe penalties for employers. In some cases employers are required to pay back pay of up to two years for any employee who is misclassified as exempt. Exempt employees are generally paid for any full week in which they perform work without regard to the number of days or hours worked. Paid vacations, time off and holidays are all fringe benefits offered by employers. That is why employers must be careful when deducting unpaid time off, especially if organizations do not provide paid vacation or personal day. Then this could be deducted from employees’ salary. On the other hand, the FLSA states that employers may make pay deductions when an employee is absent for a full day for personal reasons when paid vacations, time off and holidays are granted. Similarly, if you give paid vacation days and the employee has used them all, you may deduct any additional personal time off. Non-exempt employees on the other hand are required to work a certain number of hours in a week period and if that number is met and exceeded it is then considered overtime. Non-exempt employees are required to maintain a regular schedule to track actual hours worked. Ensuring that all procedures and policies are clear with regards to recording time and working overtime are all important information that should be communicated to the employee. According to the Business Owners (2007), The Federal Fair Labor Standards Act requires, among other things, that a minimum wage be established, and that all nonexempt employees be paid that minimum wage. This rate must be paid to all nonexempt employees for each hour worked up to 40 hours and must be paid time and a half for time worked beyond. However, in complying with the laws, employers must validate that employees did work the time indicated, computed at the employee’s regular rate and ensure that the organization maintain an equal pay requirement. The FLSA is a useful tool to help guide employers as well as employees determine the criteria for exemption. The law guides both categories and as noted job titles should not be the only criteria for claim exemptions and surely not simply paying on a salary. This means that each and every situation must be looked at individually. Exempt positions are excluded from minimum wage; and overtime regulations unlike nonexempt employees who are allowed overtime and must be paid for time worked over the specified number. References Business Owners Toolkit (2007). Exempt and Nonexempt Employees. Retrieved November 19, 2007, from http://toolkit.com Turner D. (n.d). Non-Exempt and Exempt: What do these terms men and why does it Matter? Retrieved November 19, 2007, from purdue.edu US Department of Labor (2007). Fair Pay Fact Sheet by Exemption Under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Retrieved November 19, 2007 from dol.gov Research Papers on Exempt vs Non-Exempt EmployeesWhat are Stock OptionsDistance Learning Survival GuideA Marketing Analysis of the Fast-Food RestaurantGene One the Transition from Private to PublicDeontological Teleological TheoriesThe Mechanics of Grading Grading SystemsAmerican Central Banking and OilThe Equal Rights AmendmentQuebec and CanadaDefinition of Export Quotas
Monday, November 4, 2019
Cadbury Case Study
Students need to write a formal business report with a length of 2000 words using 12 pt fonts and 1. 5 spacing. The report must be handed in Week 7 (refer to the due date stated above). Please do not only focus on the article and the texts in getting the answers. Students are advised to refer to at least four (4) academic journals, with additions of materials from newspapers, magazines and Internet websites in analyzing and interpreting the case study questions. They need to acknowledge any borrowed citations or any information under reference lists by using Harvard Referencing System (Please refer to Communication Skills Handbook). Your report must be submitted to Turnitin and cleared. The allowable percentage of match is 25%. Upon uploading, please exclude the table of content, reference and bibliography lists. Do not forget to attach together the first page of the Turnitin digital receipt on top of the hardcopy of your assignment. PLEASE DO NOT SHARE YOUR ANSWERS AND REFERENCES WITH YOUR FRIENDS. ASSIGNMENTS WITH HIGH PERCENTAGE OF MATCH (BASED ON TURNITIN REPORT) WILL BE PENALIZED! Sample of a Business Report (with word limits as an approximate guide for each section) Declaration Form†Cover Page (can be downloaded from ELearn) Turnitin digital receipt (first page) Cover Page †¢ Report Title: Individual Case Study – â€Å"Chocolate consumers feel guilty for the wrong reasons††¢ Prepared for: Name of Lecturer Tutor Victoria University †¢ Prepared/Written by:Student Name VU ID No. †¢ Date of Submission: †¢ Tutorial Group: Executive Summary †¢ Inclusive of the:Introduction of the report Content of the report Conclusion and recommendations of the report †¢ Should be written only after analysis is completed. †¢ Do not repeat by using the same sentences and words as the ones used in the report. †¢ Must spell out and explain the summary instead of just â€Å"out-lining†it. Should not be exceeding one page length and paragraphing is encouraged. †¢ Guide – Approximate word count = 300 – 400 Table of Contents †¢ Titles and subtitles †¢ Page numbers †¢ Appendices (if attached) †¢ Must be typed and not handwritten 1. 0 Introduction (Must include thes e four main components) †¢ Purpose of writing the report †¢ Short summary of the case study †¢ Relevant marketing theory definition and explanation (Briefly) †¢ Guide – Approximate word count =300 – 400 (Make use of paragraphs) 2. 0 Problems/issues Identification 3. 0 Analysis †¢ No Assumptions and No own opinions! Only proven facts will be accepted. Every statement made must be referenced and listed under bibliography page and reference list. †¢ Do not use â€Å"I†, â€Å"We†when writing reports. Do not personalize the report but instead use third party language. †¢ Guide – Approximate word count =500 – 600 4. 0 Recommendations/Choices of solutions †¢ List the courses of action, which, the writer, think, is the most appropriate to the firm †¢ Be specific and not general in giving suggestions. †¢ Must be related to the facts mentioned in the case study article. †¢ Guide – Approximate word count =400 . 0 Conclusion †¢ Brief presentation of the major findings that have been discovered within the content of the report. (Do not repeat the things you have mentioned in the content because a summary IS NOT a conclusion! ) †¢ Guide – Approximate word count =200 List of References †¢ The reference list at the end of the report should be alphabetically ordered. †¢ You are required to refer to at least 4 academic journal articles and also to some numbers of texts, magazine/newspaper articles and websites. (Please refer to the Communication Skills Handbook on how to write referencing) IMPORTANT NOTE! YOU CAN ONLY USE THE ACADEMIC JOURNALS, WHICH CAN BE OBTAINED FROM DATABASES LIKE EBSCOHOST, EMERALD AND ETC. PLEASE REFER TO THE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN FOR FURTHER DETAILS. YOU CANNOT SEARCH FOR THESE MATERIALS USING WIKIPEDIA, GOOGLE OR YAHOO SEARCH. Appendices (optional) †¢ Should be kept at minimum †¢ If it is so detailed and long, put it into the content of report †¢ Give each appendix a number and a title and enter it into the Table of Contents †¢ Do not put in any of the journal articles that you have used for your report Note: 1. Students are to write using formal, business-like tone for this report. This means there should be no usage of â€Å"I†, â€Å"We†, and â€Å"You†in this report. 2. They are also encouraged to write clear and concise expression of English language. 3. There should be a logical flow of sequence. 4. The report should also be free from excessive spelling and grammatical errors. Hence, before submission, proofreading must be done. 5. Please also write the word count at the end of the report (after the conclusion section). INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING (BHO 1171) Individual Case Study (15%) Marking Sheet Semester 2, 2012 CRITERION |Very Good |Good |Satisfactory (met min. |Inadequate |Not addressed / Weak |Mark | | | | |requirements) | | | | |Introduction and |The issue/problem chosen is |The issue/problem chosen is |The issue/problem chosen is |The issue/problem chosen has |The ssue/problem is not |/2 | |problem/issue identification |appropriate and is clearly stated in| appropriate with elaboration |appropriate |limited relevance |identified | | |(2%) |the assignment with justification | | | | | | |Problem analysis and | |Can analyse a range of |Can evaluate the reliability of |Can analyse a limited range of |Fails to analyse information. /5 | |justification (5%) |Can critically review evidence and |information, select appropriate|information using defined |information. Limited only |Fails to evaluate or use | | | |analyse situations using a wide |techniques of evaluation. |techniques. Has given a factual |partially accurate evaluation of |techniques of evaluation, or | | | |range of techniques appropriate to |Appropriate issue/problem is |/or conceptual knowledge base |information using defined |evaluations are totally invalid | | | |the topic. Thorough explanation of |explained and analysed | |techniques | | | | |the chosen issue/problem and is well| | | | | | | |analysed | | | | | | |Formulation of alternatives |Recommendations with reliability, |Clearly explained |Relevant recommendations made |Vague recommendations, limited |No recommendations or are |/3 | |or possible solutions and |validity significance |recommendations which relate | |solutions |obscured by poor mechanics | | |recommendations (3%) | |closely to the case | | | | | | |Fluent writing style appropriate to |Language fluent. Grammar |Language mainly fluent. Grammar |Meaning apparent, but language |Meaning unclear /or grammar |/2 | |English expression |document. Grammar spelling |spelling accurate |spelling mainly accurate |not always fluent. Grammar /or |/or spelling contain frequent | | |(sentence/paragraph |accurate | | |spelling contain errors |errors | | |construction, spelling, | | | | | | | |grammar and punctuation) (2%)| | | | | | | |Use of relevant references | |Demonstrates wide range of |Uses some appropriate literature |Uses only very limited |Fails to use relevant literature|/3 | |and referencing in written |Demonstrates wide range of reading |reading from a variety of |material in the assignment. |appropriate literature material |material in the assignment. | | |report (3%) |including from academic peer |credible sources. Referencing |Referencing is mainly accurate. |in the assignment. Some attempt |Referencing is absent/ | | | |reviewed journals in the appropriate|is mainly accurate | |at referencing. unsystematic | | | |area. Referencing is consistently | | | | | | | |accurate both within at end of | | | | | | | |document | | | | | | â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ TOTAL: /15
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Assumptions and Contribution of the Strategic Choice Theory Essay
Assumptions and Contribution of the Strategic Choice Theory - Essay Example The researcher states that the use of the strategic choice analysis also contributes to helping the organization and its management in optimally utilizing the existing resource base to gain needed a competitive advantage. The organization would thus become ready to potentially adapt to the external changes in the technological, social and politico-economic environment. Further, the aspect of strategic choice also highlighted the need for generating an effective interrelationship between the organization and the managerial framework. It aims to effectively integrate the organizations and its individuals in that the same contributes to a generation of the right strategic choice to exploit the existing resource base in a generation of needed competitive potential. It thus endeavors to reduce the aspect of tension both relating to the internal and external organizational framework which in turn enhances its efficiency to counter changes in the external environment. Strategic Choice Theor y relates to the actions or roles played by organizational leaders in making concerned choices to enhance the competitive advantage of the business organization against external political, demographic, social, economic and technological changes. Further, the strategic choice theory is also observed to generate tension relating to agency and structural elements. The relation of an agency to structure and further to the external environment makes the theory of strategic choice more dynamic and applicable to different settings. This reflects that the strategic choice theory not only serves the competing needs of the organization but also tend to depict an evolutionary approach based on external needs and changes. Strategic Choice Theory also reflects on the manner in which the business organizations gradually adapt to the changing needs to help gain needed a competitive advantage. The concept of ‘Strategic Choice’ relates to the process through which the authoritative bodi es in an organization tend to incorporate to help in taking of strategic actions.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Earth journey Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Earth journey - Research Paper Example It is also safe to assume that the earth is maintaining these conditions to enable its survival (Lovelock 59). Times are changing and humans are changing for the better. This evolution demands that the earth change also, to ensure its survival, in the long run. The thing I found intriguing about the theory in question is the ability it has to assist scientists find out what needs to be done to salvage the situation. Documented proof that the earth is indeed protecting its existence is available. An example is the research conducted 15-20 years ago Lynn Margulis over the formation of clouds over the ocean. It is through the emission of sulphur molecules as waste material by algae, which later become raindrops through condensation. Cloud formation, in turn, assists the earth maintain its temperature while reducing the heat intensity from the sun (Lovelock 62). I would like to learn more about this theory. This is so that it may assist me in comprehending the benefits of modelling my activities to better suit my immediate environment, and the entire
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Critical Assessment of a Book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Critical Assessment of a Book - Essay Example Her greatest asset was a keen and observant biological eye which she made use of whenever she worked. Carson’s book ‘Silent Spring’ shot her to fame when it featured at the top of the bestseller lists. She was greatly encouraged by her mother to explore the natural world around her in which Rachel found immense solace. Her books were quite appealing due to their simplicity, style, lyrical value and thoroughness for which she was widely reviewed and honored. She adopted a visionary approach which was quite novel to the mainstream scientific community. Through her writing Rachel Carson handed down to us a legacy of scientific knowledge. She died on April 14th, 1964 at Silverspring, Maryland, USA. Part 2 Outline Structure of the Book The book Silent Spring, written by Rachel Carson, was first published in the year 1962 and became an instant best seller. Silent Spring was written as a serial article for the magazine, The New Yorker but later was published as a boo k. Carson’s reputation as a writer and scientist helped in establishing the credibility of the book. This book had an enduring and enormous impact on the world. This book was not written for a narrow scientific audience but for the layman and it has been credited with kick starting a debate on the limits of technology, responsibility of science and the use of pesticides. She was of the view that "The best and cheapest controls for vegetation are not chemicals but other plants." (pg.75) Carson meticulously described the process whereby the entire world food supply chain was contaminated by DDT. DDT entered the food chain and got accumulated in the fatty tissues of man and animal. A single application of the chemical on crops killed not only the targeted insects but also the other organisms present for weeks and months. These chemicals remained toxic even after dilution with rain water thereby causing irrevocable harm to animals and birds. "Carrots absorb more insecticide th an any other crop studied;...In the future it may become necessary to analyze soils for insecticides before planting certain food crops. Otherwise even unsprayed crops may take up enough insecticide merely from the soil to render them unfit for market." (pg.59) The author implicitly states that these chemicals in the environment caused cancer. The scientist-author meticulously gathered evidence to show the adverse effect caused by the indiscriminate application of mineral based agricultural pesticides and synthetic phosphates and chlorinated hydrocarbons. She argued that not only was the environment being degraded but the very fabric of American natural beauty was being laid threadbare. The indiscriminate use of the chemicals resulted in the development of resistant strains. When they reached high levels of concentration in the water bodies it led to the death of aquatic flora and fauna. â€Å"It is not possible to add pesticides to water anywhere without threatening the purity of water everywhere. Seldom if ever, does nature operate in closed and separate compartments, and she has not done so in distributing the earth’s water supply.†(pg. 42) The efforts of Carson were rewarded when the Government of the United States of America regulated the use of pesticides by enacting the Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act of 1972. Silent Spring is a book which still holds currency for the debate it still
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Effect of Magnetic Field on Hydrodynamic Behavior
Effect of Magnetic Field on Hydrodynamic Behavior Effect of Magnetic Field on hydrodynamic behavior in a Microchannel Heat Sink Mohammad Nasiri 1*, Mohammad Mehdi Rashidi 2, 1 Department Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz 5166616471, Iran 2 Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK. ABSTRACT In this study, hydrodynamic behavior nanofluid (Fe3O4-water) in a MicroChannel Heat Sink (MCHS) with Offset Fan Shaped under magnetic field was numerically investigated. The two phase mixture model was used to simulate the nanofluid flow. Flow was assumed laminar, steady and incompressible. The effects of changing Reynolds number, power magnetic field, and nanoparticle diameter on fluid behavior are considered. The results show that the friction factor decreases and Nusselt number enhances whit rising Reynolds number. Whit increases intensity magnetic field the pressure drop, friction factor and Nusselt number increasing. The results indicate that non-uniform magnetic field has more effect on nanofluid behavior compare uniform magnetic field. Keywords Nanofluid; Microchannel heat sink; Magnetic field; Friction factor; Nusselt number Nomenclature ,z Cartesian coordinate axes Velocity component in x and y and z direction, respectively (m/s) (a,b) Center of magnetic wire (m) Velocity vector (m/s) 0 Velocity inlet (m/s) Acceleration vector (m/s2) Thermal conductivity (W/m K) Specific heat capacity at constant pressure Boltzmann constant (1.3806503ÃÆ'-10-23 J/K) Temperature (K) I Electric intensity (A) H Magnetic field intensity vector (A/m) Heat flux (1 MW/m2) Channel width (300ÃÆ'-10-6m) Hydraulic diameter (0.00001333 m) Channel length (2.70ÃÆ'-10-3m) Drag coefficient Mean velocity (m/s) Drift velocity (m/s) Slip velocity (m/s) d Mean diameter (nm) Nu= Nuselt number friction factor = Reynolds number Prandtlnumber Magnetic field (T) Greek symbols magnetic permeability in vacuum (4à ₠¬ÃƒÆ'-10-7 Tm/A) Dynamic viscosity (kg/m s) Thermal expansion coefficient(thermal expansion coefficient (K-1) Density (kg/m3) Mean free path (17ÃÆ'-10-9 m) Magnetic susceptibility Particle volume fraction Electrical conductivity (s/m) Subscripts Particle Base fluid bw Bottom wall Effective Average Introduction Nanofluids has higher thermal conductivities compared to them base fluids [1-5]. Currently the use of nanofluids in thermal engineering systems such as heat exchangers [6-7], microchannels [8-10] , chillers, medical applications [11,12], and solar collectors [13]. Tsai and Chein[14] investigated analytically nanofluid (water-copper and nanotube) flow in microchannel heat sink. They was found that optimum values of aspect ratio and nanofluid did not make conversion in MCHS thermal resistance. Kalteh et al. [15] investigated the laminar nanofluid flow in rectangular microchannel heat sink both numerically and experimentally. Compared the experimental and numerical results presented that two-phase Eulerian-Eulerian method results are in better accordance with experimental results than the single-phase modeling. The reasons experimentally study by Azizi et al.[16] reported that Nusselt numbers decreases whit rising Reynolds number and enhancement heat transfer by using nanoparticles camper to that of pure water for similar Reynolds number. Sheikholeslami et al. [17] studied effect nanoparticle on heat transfer in a cavity square containing a rectangular heated body numerically. They indicated that using nanoparticle increasing he at transfer and dimensionless entropy generation. Micro channel heat sink (MCHS) using in many applications, such as microelectronics and high energy laser. MCHS cooling is very important because heat flux in this channel higher than regular channel. Many studies analyzed the convective heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids in micro channel heat sink in recently many years ago[18-24]. Sakanova et al. [25] investigated effects of wavy channel structure on hydrodynamic behavior in microchannel heat sink. They found that increasing nanoparticles in pure water the effect of wavy wall unnoticeable. Radwan et al. [26] using nanofluid on heat transfer microchannel heat sink in low concentrated photovoltaic systems investigated numerically. They show that nanofluids is effective technique for enhance heat transfer. Tabrizi and Seyf [27] investigated laminar Al2O3-water nanofluid flow in a microchannel heat sink. They showed that increasing volume fraction of Al2O3 and nanoparticle size reducing the entropy generation. Chai et al. [28-30] studied hydrothermal characteristics of laminar flow microchannel heat sink with fan-shaped ribs. Their results presented that used the fan-shaped ribs the average friction factor 1.1-8.28 times larger than the regular microchannel, while used the offset fan-shaped ribs was 1.22-6.27 times increases. Also the microchannel with large ribs height and small ribs spacing, the frictional entropy generation rate increases and thermal entropy generation rate decreases comparing than the smooth microchannel. Magnetic fluid (ferrofluid) is a stable colloidal suspension consisting of a base liquid and magnetic nanoparticles that are coated with a surfactant layer and it can be controlled by external magnetic fields [31]. Sundar et al. [32-33] experimentally studied the heat transfer characteristic of Fe3O4 ferrofluid in a circular tube whit applied magnetic field. They detected that the heat transfer increases compared to water flow at same operating condition. Aminfar et al. [34-36] studied effect different magnetic field on ferrofluid for different channels. They showed that using the uniform and non-uniform transverse magnetic increasing heat transfer coefficient and friction factor. Also shown that non-uniform transverse magnetic enhanced heat transfer more than axial non-uniform magnetic field. In this study, the uniform and non-uniform transverse magnetic effect on heat transfer of ferrofluids flow in a microchannel heat sink with offset fan shaped by using mixture model. The effects of uniform and non-uniform transverse power magnetic fields, Reynolds number and nanoparticle diameter variation are studied in details. Governing Equations Researchers presented different models for numerical analysis in multi-phase flows [37-40]. The mixture model is one of methods for nanofluid analyses [38-41]. In this study, flow is assumed steady state, incompressible and laminar with constant thermo-physical properties. The effects of body forces and dissipation are negligible. Also, for calculate the density variations due to buoyancy force was used the Boussinesq approximation. Considering these assumptions, the dimensional equations define as: Continuity equations: (1) Momentum equations: (2) The term refers to Kelvin force; it results from the electric current flowing through the wire. In this equation, H is Magnetic field intensity vector that determined as [42]: (3) where (4) (5) I is electric intensity. The wire direction is parallel to the longitudinal channel and in the center of cross section at the (a, b). Also, M is the magnetization in Equation (2) and determined as [36]: (6) where is magnetic susceptibility of ferrofluid at 4% volume fraction for different mean diameter is present in Table 1. Table 1. magnetic susceptibility of ferrofluid for different mean diameter mean diameter magnetic susceptibility 10 0.34858668 20 2.7886935 30 9.4118388 In Equation (2), is called Lorentz force that determined as: (7) Where and are respectively effective electrical conductivity and nanofluid velocity vector, also is the induced uniform magnetic field that can be calculated by intensity of magnetic field: (8) Energy equation: (9) Volume fraction equations: (10) In Equation (10), Vm, and Vdr are the mean velocity and the drift velocity, respectively, that be defined as: (11) (12) where à †is the volume fraction of nanoparticles. The drift velocity depends on the slip velocity. The slip velocity defined as the velocity of base fluid (bf) with respect to velocity of nanoparticles (p) and determined as: (13) (14) The slip velocity is presented by Manninen et al. [31e]: (15) In Equation (15) f drag and r are drag coefficient and acceleration respectively, which can be calculated by: (16) (17) In Equation (16), Rep = Vmdp/veff is the Reynolds number of particles. Nanofluids Properties The physical properties of water and Fe3O4 nano-particles are shown in Table 2. The water-Fe3O4 nanofluidis assumed is homogenous that the thermos-physical mixture properties calculated for 4% volume fraction of nanoparticles. Table 2. Properties of base fluid and nanoparticles [35,40]. Properties Water Fe3O4 Density (kg/m3) 997.1 5200 Specific heat capacity (J/kgà ¢Ã‹â€ â„ ¢K) 4180 670 Thermal conductivity (W/mà ¢Ã‹â€ â„ ¢K) 0.613 6 Electrical conductivity (s/m) 5.3 25,000 Dynamic viscosity (kg/mà ¢Ã‹â€ â„ ¢s) 0.0009963 The physical mixture properties are calculated by means of the following equations: Density of nanofluid: (18) Specific heat capacity of the nanofluid: (19) Dynamic viscosity of nanofluid [43]: (20) Thermal expansion coefficient of nanofluid [35]: (21) Electrical conductivity [36]: . (22) Based on the Brownian motion velocity is Thermal conductivity of nanofluid [44]: (23) dp and dbf are particle diameter(nm) and molecular base fluid (0.2 nm). In Equation (23) Pr and Re are Prandtl and Reynolds number, respectively defined as: (24) (25) Also, in Equation (25) is water mean free path (17 nm) and kB is Boltzmann constant (1.3807 ÃÆ'- 10à ¢Ã‹â€ ’23 J/K). Deà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ nition of Physical Domain and numerical method Fig.1 shown the geometry of the microchannel heat sink with offset fan-shaped reentrant cavities in sidewall. The channel width and space between a pair cavity is 300 ÃŽÂ ¼m.The channel length is 2.70 mm with a thickness of 350 ÃŽÂ ¼m and the pitch distance of two longitudinal microchannels is 150 ÃŽÂ ¼m. The channel cross section heat sink has a constant width of 100 ÃŽÂ ¼m and constant depth of 200 ÃŽÂ ¼m and radius of the fan-shaped reentrant cavity is 100 ÃŽÂ ¼m. a) b) c) Fig. 1. a) Geometry of microchannel in the present study b) Cross-sectional plane of transverse non-uniform magnetic field c) Transverse uniform magnetic field In this study, used the finite volume (FV) method to numerically solved non-linear partial differential equations. The velocity pressure coupling by SIMPLEC algorithm. The discretization of momentum and energy equations used the second order upwind scheme and the solid phase equations became discretization by first order scheme. In this study for evaluate of effect the mesh points on the precision of the results, several grid sizes have been tested for the constant heat flux at Re = 300 are given in Table 3. The 1188000 grids is adequately suitable. Table 3. Grid independent test (Re = 200,T0 = 300, 4% vol.). V/V0 T/T0 Grid 1.038 1.027 672914 1.029 1.019 889440 1.023 1.013 1188000 1.02 1.011 1591128 In order to validate this, the amount of mean temperature at the bottom of the microchannel compared by numerical result of Chai et al.[45](Fig.2). Also for comparison effect the magnetic field, the dimensionless velocity under the magnetic field compared by analytical results of Shercliff [46] that shown in Fig. 3 and can be seen a good agreement between results. Figure 2. Comparison of the results for average temperature bottom heat sink Fig.3 Comparison between numerical and analytical results for flow under magnetic field Boundary conditions The set of non-linear elliptical governing equations are solved by using the boundary conditions in the entrance of microchannel (Z = 0), u = 0; v = 0; w = v0 ; T = T0 (26) at the microchannel outlet (Z = 2.7 mm): ; u = 0; v = 0 ;P = Patm (27) In the left and right sides of microchannel outer adiabatic walls (X = 0 w): (28) In the microchannel inner walls: (29) (30) Finally, a constant heat flux condition is imposed at micro heat sink bottom wall (y = 0). Results and discussion The variations of pressure drop and Reynolds number for various transverse magnetic fields are shown in Fig. 3a. It can be seen that for a given fluid, the pressure drop increases by increasing the Reynolds number because rising the velocity inlet. As shown in Fig. 3b whit increases intensity uniform and non-uniform magnetic field in the same Reynolds number (Re=300), the pressure drop increases for non-uniform magnetic because the secondary flow near wall became larger and powerful. Also scale up particle diameter of 10nm to 30nm decreasing pressure drop (Fig. 3c). a) b) c) Fig. 3. Effects of various a) Reynolds number [H=6ÃÆ'-106, dp=30nm] b) power magnetic field gradients [Re=300, dp=30nm] c) particle diameter [H=8ÃÆ'-106, Re=300] on the pressure drop Fig. 4 presented streamlines for various magnetic fields at 0.0015à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤ Z à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤0.002. As shown in Fig.4, when magnetic field is weak the streamlines same together because the magnetic field had not enough powerful for veer stream. By increases intensity magnetic field the nanofluid flow shift to near wall and thereupon the vortex in reentrant cavities became powerful Fig.5. Fig. 4. Stream lines in same Reynolds number (Re=300) and particle diameter [dp= 30nm] for a) non-magnetic field b) non-uniform magnetic field (H=6ÃÆ'-106 A/m) c) uniform magnetic field (H=6ÃÆ'-106 A/m) Fig. 5. Stream lines in same Reynolds number (Re=300) and particle diameter [dp= 30nm] for non-uniform magnetic field a) H= 6ÃÆ'-106 A/m c) H=8ÃÆ'-106 A/m The friction factor decreases as Reynolds number increases (Fig. 6a). The magnetic field cannot overcome viscous force and affect mean velocity when intensity magnetic field is low, therefor the friction factor is almost fixed for using magnetic and non-magnetic field. Whit increases intensity magnetic field the mean velocity decreases and while the pressure drop increases (Fig. 3.b); therefore, the friction factor increases at maximum intensity field (Fig. 6b). Also scale up particle diameter the main velocity and pressure drop decreases. The uniform transverse magnetic field is depended to velocity that whit decreasing velocity the uniform transverse effect decreases on flow, so friction factor rising (Fig. 6c). a) b) c) Fig. 6. Effects of various a) Reynolds number [H=6ÃÆ'-106, dp=30nm] b) power magnetic field gradients [Re=300, dp=30nm] c) particle diameter [H=8ÃÆ'-106, Re=300] on the friction factor Figure 7 shows the variations of average temperature bottom heat sink for different condition. Whit increasing Reynolds numbers the velocity increasing too and the vortex in reentrant cavities became bigger and powerful, thus average temperature bottom heat sink decreases (Fig. 7a). Effects of various power magnetic field gradients [Re=300, dp=30nm] on average temperature bottom heat sink presented in Fig. 7b. When the intensity magnetic field is weak cannot affect average velocity because cannot overcome viscous force. By strengthening the non-uniform transverse magnetic field the average velocity became larger and growth vortex in channel, therefore average temperature bottom heat sink reduces. Particle diameter rising, the non-uniform transverse magnetic had more effect than uniform transverse magnetic and non-magnetic on average temperature bottom heat sink (Fig. 7c). Whit scale up particle diameter decreasing thermal conductivity and heat transfer for when applied uniform transv erse magnetic because it independent of particle diameter. Figure 8 presented the variations of average Nusselt number for different condition. Nusselt number enhances with Reynolds number in
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Effects of Motivation on Performance Essay examples -- Andrew and
The Effects of Motivation on Performance Findings Task 2- Write a Report on the effects of Motivation on Performance Research people’s attitude to work and factors affecting their motivation by constructing a questionnaire and conducting a small survey. You should aim to distribute your questionnaire to at least 5 people within your organisation. Gather information on what motivates individual performance and identify attitudes to work by interviewing an employee in-depth and comparing their attitudes with your own. Relate you findings to motivation theories and provide a description of the motivators appropriate for different types of individual performance. Andrew and Robertson: An Introduction to the Business Objectives Andrew and Robertson have started put life as property mangers in 1887. Managing properties on behalf of owners. Southwark Council also contracted out housing management for a trial period in the 90’s in which Andrew and Robertson’s partly participated. In the 1960’s Andrew and Robertson expanded into auctioneering. The object of this section of the business aims to sell houses at auctions 4 times a year. However 1980 prior they only had two actions a year. The business aims to make a profit for the four senor partners. The business has no obvious intentions to float on the stock market. The partnership has currently invested in a new phone system and computer network for one of its three branches. This according to an associate partner is the partnership attempting to modernise the old fashion approach to the business currently used by managers. Serves Andrew and Robertson’s serve the clients who own the properties, which they manage. The management also serve their auctioneering arm that sells properties for the clients of the property-managing arm who wish to sell their properties. Motivational Procedures Andrew and Robertson’s have no written procedures however there are a number of unwritten procedures, which are used. These procedures include: Staff/Management association (This is not like by a small minority of staff  ¼) Close quarters arrangements (Putting desks in close proximity for communication means) Appraisal Meetings (Token) Staff Management association This is the system in which higher level management work along side their employers. In the hope that the bond between the low... ...people work so hard and Physiological needs Basic needs such as food water and shelter are all met because the pay is reasonable at the firm of Andrew and Robertson’s. Food and drink is also supplied in small quantities at break times. The management sees these as incentives because in the afternoons the employees generally work harder. So therefore the reason for higher efficiently in the afternoons is the cakes and tea, which are available at lunch times and corresponds to the Physiological needs on Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs William Bridges IT Evolution William Bridges wrote that there have been many changes in the modern working environment. Including the number of jobs in an organisation deceasing or increasing during fluctuating periods of demand. He argument being the advancement of IT had increased competition and therefore the nature of management philosophy. This is truer at Andrew and Robertson’s since the number of employees aged over 40 years has dropped tremendously over the last 3 years due to the need for IT compliant staff. Since it is the partners who dictate policy their behaviour and types of behaviour towards their management policy.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Powering Indian Telecom Towers Environmental Sciences Essay
Solar energy has proven to be a dependable and economical method of powering telecommunication systems in topographic points where conventional electricity is unavailable or impractical. It provides an first-class beginning of clean, dependable power to maintain un-interrupted power supply to telecom towers. This paper contains a brief description of Indian telecom towers and photovoltaic ( PV ) cells used in telecommunication systems. Because solar energy systems are robust and cost effectual, the demand for solar power in telecommunications will go on to turn. Key Words-insolation, irradiance, photovoltaic, solar cell, solar energyIntroductionIndia is now in the 2nd largest of the Global telecom markets and is projected to get the better of China. Our state presently has about 400,000 telecom towers around the land and poised to increase to 450,000 towers over the following 2 old ages ( 2 ) . A big part of these towers is non connected to the electricity grid or does non hold entree to dependable electricity connoting they have to put in backup power systems in order to run without breaks. Diesel Generators have been the pick of telecom operators despite their high C imprint. Telecom Towers are estimation to fire 2 Billion Liters of Diesel ( around 500 million barrels ) yearly at a cost of 10000 crores. On an norm, about 260,000 is being spent yearly to carry through the Diesel demands of a individual telecom tower. These high input costs besides result in high pollution. While the authorities has been seeking to change over these towers t o renewable energy signifiers, most of the tower operators have been really slow to implement this alteration. The renewable energy ministry had asked telecom companies to cut down their dependence on conventional fuels and see options for partially powering telecom towers. While some tower Godheads are looking at tight natural gas and piped natural gas to power towers, Indus Towers, the largest with over 1 lakh towers in India, planned to put up 2,500 solar towers by terminal of this twelvemonth. Viom Networks, which operates more than 38,000 towers across India, plans to run more than one-quarter of this figure on alternate energy within the following two old ages. It plans to run 2,000 towers on solar power entirely by 2013. For the GSM Technology, it requires an norm of 6 BTS to run one tower. Each shelter has two ( 1.5 ton ) air conditioners for the cardinal care of the temperature for the shelter ‘s electronic systems. The DG set is typically 15 kVA capacity, which consu mes an norm of 3 liters of Diesel per hr [ 4 ] . Each tower requires energy from 1000 W to 3000 W ( older installing consumes more power as comparison to new one because of technological promotion ) . Each 1000 W consequences in the 22 tonnes/hr of emanation of CO2 if running on the province electricity and in instance of the gensets this figure is many times more. Assuming mean power ingestion of each tower is 1200 W so entire CO2 emanation is 105.6 lakh metric ton per hr by all these towers if we assume that all are running on province electricity. In India about 70 % telecom towers are in rural countries. Soon 40 % power demands are met by grid electricity and 60 % by Diesel generators [ 2 ] . The Diesel generators are of 10-15 KVA capacity and devour about 3 litres of Diesel per hr and bring forth 2.63 kilogram of CO2 per litre. For every kWh of grid electricity consumed, 0.84 Kg of CO2 is emitted. Entire CO2 emanation is around 5 million tones of CO2 due to diesel ingestion and around 8 million dozenss due to power grid per an num. The move from Diesel to solar and other alternate beginnings of energy will ensue in a decrease of 5 million dozenss of CO2 emanations every bit good as a nest eggs of immense sum in operating disbursals for telecom tower companies. Move to renewable energy beginnings can bring forth 1000000s of C credits that could countervail the opex on their towers. Therefore by replacing diesel generators with solar panels in cell phone towers, more than 5 million dozenss of C emanations could be prevented from come ining the ambiance and cut down the opex of telecom towers. India has approximately 500 million nomadic phone endorsers, more than even the population of any state except China India is expected to hold one billion mobile phone endorsers by 2015 which would intend about 250,000 more Mobile towers which, in bend, would duplicate the C emanations. Even if the solar panels supply a portion of the entire power required, it would still salvage significant sums of money, fuel and C e manations.Electricity Generation Through Solar CellsIn India the one-year solar radiation is about 5 kWh/ sq thousand per twenty-four hours with about 1500-2000 sun-shine hours per twelvemonth. Solar radiations represent the Earth ‘s most abundant energy beginning. The perennial beginning of solar energy provides limitless supply, has no negative impact on the environment. The solar photovoltaic ( PV ) modules convert solar radiation from the Sun into electrical energy in the signifier of direct current ( DC ) . Converting solar energy into electricity is the reply to the mounting power jobs in telecom towers peculiarly in the rural countries. PV or solar cells are semiconductor devices that convert sunlight into direct current electricity ( Fig.1 ) . When light photons of sufficient energy work stoppage a solar cell, they knock negatrons free in the silicon crystal construction, coercing them through an external circuit and so returning them to the other side of the solar cel l to get down the procedure all over once more. Fig. 1. ( a ) photovoltaic consequence ( B ) how a PV cell plants ( degree Celsius ) a crystalline Si panel The electromotive force end product from a individual crystalline solar cell is about 0.5 V with an amperage end product that is straight relative to the cell ‘s surface country ( about 7 amperes for a 6-inch-square multi crystalline solar cell ) . Typically, 30 to 36 cells are wired in series ( + to – ) in each solar faculty. This produces a solar faculty with a 12-volt nominal end product ( ~17 Vs at peak power ) that can so be wired in series and/or parallel with other solar faculties to organize a complete solar array. Solar cells used in telecom towers are shown in Fig 2. Solar cell is cosmopolitan and will work virtually anyplace ; nevertheless, some locations are evidently more suited than others. Irradiance is a step of the Sun ‘s power available at the Earth ‘s surface, with power peaking at about 1,000 Wattss per square metre ( W/m2 ) . With typical crystalline solar cell efficiencies about 14 to 16 per centum, approximately 140 to 160 Wattss can be generated per square metre of solar cells placed in full Sun. Insolation, which is a step of the available energy from the Sun, is expressed in footings of â€Å" full Sun hours †( i.e. , 4 full Sun hours = 4 hours of sunshine at an irradiance degree of 1,000 W/m2 ) [ 1 ] . Fig.2 Solar cells used in telecom tower for United Nations interrupted power supply.Tele DensityTelephone introduced in India in 1882. The entire figure of telephones in the state stands at 885.99 million, while the overall tele-density has increased to 73.97 % and the entire Numberss of nomadic phone endorsers have reached 851.70 million as of June 2011. Himachal Pradesh has become the first province in India to accomplish 100 per cent tele-density. The province has about seven million nomadic clients [ 5 ] . The province population is 6.8 million as per the Census 2011 much lower than the nomadic subscriber population of seven million. While the urban tele denseness reached 150.67 per cent, the rural tele denseness reached 32.11per cent. Experts have pointed out that the grounds for this rapid growing are lowest call rates, big market base due to bigger population, well ample untapped market and robust economic growing of the state. In add-on factors like rapid technological accept ance, better service criterions, advanced merchandise offerings and competitory pricing amongst the service suppliers has besides contributed in a major manner to increase the tele-density of the state.Energy Management in Telecom TowersA Telecom tower enables telecom operators to supply web connexion to mobile users. Fig. 3 Standard Telecom System Telecom being an indispensable service requires the web to be ever available. In order to accomplish this, the tower substructure that has 2 operators uses 6-8 kilowatt ( avg. ) of electricity per hr ( Fig.3 ) . Energy demands of a telecom tower in India are presently met through: Electricity Mains Diesel Generator and UPS / Battery RacksDiesel Consumption in Telecom Towers and Environmental PollutionThe telecom operator spends 3 billion ( USD 67.42 million ) every month towards running Diesel generators in distant locations where grid base power is limited. This translates to an operational energy disbursal of around 65 billion yearly to run web towers, particularly in off-grid locations ( 4 ) . Since, Electricity supply is fickle and is non available through out the twenty-four hours in many parts, Diesel Generators ( DG ) are used to power the telecom web, as a dorsum up for power supply. DG ‘s are operational for 15-20 hours ( avg. ) in rural countries and 3- 7 hours in urban countries ( Table 1 ) seting a emphasis on the environment by manner of C emanations and noise pollution One liter of Diesel emits 2.63 kilogram of CO2 emanations. Hence telecom webs contribute to carbon emanations and planetary heating. Table 1 Power Availability at Tower SitesGrid Power Availability Cell Sites10 % : & gt ; 20 hour Chiefly metro metropoliss of Mumbai, Kolkota, Chennai, some metropoliss of Gujarat, State of Chattisgarh, some metropoliss of Punjab 20 % : 16-20 hour Covers most other major metropoliss and towns in the remainder of the state 30 % : 12-16 hour All semi-urban and little urban towns in all provinces 25 % : 8-12 hour Mostly rural countries 15 % : & lt ; 8 hour Mostly parts of Bihar and some towns of Assam, NE provinces, UP and J & A ; K The Power Problem A speedy analysis of telecom web runing costs indicates power and fuel are the primary operating costs, consisting over 30 % of entire operating cost. This is because grid power ( Electricity Board or EB power ) is extremely undependable and in a batch of instances, non available in rural countries. BTS sites require changeless and uninterrupted power for the safe operation of the web. As a consequence, BTS sites have utilized onsite Diesel generators to either supply backup or primary power in the absence of EB power. Uninterrupted operation is achieved through a battery bank. The typical constellation of DG sets is 10-15 KVA with a fuel burn rate of 2-3 liters per hr ( depending on full or half load operations ) . Assuming seven hours of DG operations in urban countries and 20 hours in rural countries, estimated use of Diesel fuel is 2-4 billion liters per twelvemonth across the 400,000 towers in India. Fuel demand is increasing with each new tower. India, with its first-class irra diance, has the chance to work Photovoltaic ( PV ) solar power to run into this challenge of onsite power coevals. Coupled with a battery backup, PV systems are a feasible and exciting option to cut down the power cost and entire operating outgo ( OPEX ) , thereby supplying a sustainable and dependable strategic solution to the fuel job. The operating cost of Diesel and solar PV system is shown in Table-2 which shows that solar PV system is economical ( 14.08/kWh ) than Diesel DG sets ( 16.19/kWh ) and besides eco friendly and can market their C recognition to cut down farther the opex of the telecom tower. Table 2. Comparative analysis of solar PV and diesel generators ( DG ) uses in telecom tower.Strictly DG setsStrictly PV systemAnnual ingestion of 15 kVA DG sets @ 3 litres/h, liters 26280 Assumed capacity, Wp 15000 4 % shut down period i.e.for 96 % operation, liters 25229 Annual sunshine hours 1650 kWh produce @ 3.5 kWh/litre 88301.5 10 twelvemonth output, kWp 247500 Diesel cost @ 42/litre, 1059618 Capital investing @ 200/Wp, 30,00,000 Cost of machine etc, 300000 Operating cost, ( including depreciation, involvement, care ) , /10 old ages 49,80,000 Operating cost ( including depreciation, involvement, housing/rent, care ) , /year 1429918 Operating cost/kWh, 16.19 Operating cost/kWh, 20.12 After 30 % subsidy 14.08 Telecommunication Companies and Their Role ECIndia has the fastest turning telecom web in the universe with its high population and development potency. India ‘s public sector telecom company BSNL ( 11.41 % ) is the seventh largest telecom company in universe. The entry of new participants into the telecom industry has made competition intense, in peculiar over the last four old ages. The dominant participants in the market presently include Bharti-Airtel ( 20.09 per cent of the Indian market ) , Reliance Communications ( 16.70 % ) , Vodafone ( 16.54 % ) , Tata Tele Services ( 11.08 % ) , Idea ( 10.97 % ) and Aircel ( 6.76 % ) ( Table 3 ) . Table 3. Share of telecom companies in Indian market and stairss taken to utilize renewables Companies Market portion, % Stairss taken for usage Renewable energy in teletowers Bharati Airtel 20.09 Targeted for solarizing 2000 towers by 2010-11. No latest information on accomplishment. Reliance Communication 16.70 Stairss taken to utilize renewable to cut down opex by 50-60 % Vodafone 16.54 23 % of its planetary operation by renewables BSNL 11.41 Taken pilot undertakings under Jawharlal Nehru Solar Mission for solarizing towers. Tata Teleservices Ltd 11.08 Deployed 31 cell sites powered by solar power and fuel cells. Idea Cellular 10.97 Solar-DG loanblend in some nomadic towers Aircel 6.76 No information available Stel 0.34 Cringle 0.39 Eti Salat 0.08 HFCL 0.18 Uninor 2.73 Videcon 0.83 MTNL 0.69 Siestema 1.21 Beginning: Telephone Regulatory Authority of India ( as on 28th Feb, 2011 ) As per the directives of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, some companies have taken inaugural stairss to utilize renewable energy beginnings to power their telecom towers. Some major are: Bharti Infratel has set a mark of deploying 2000 renewable energy sites by the fiscal twelvemonth 2010-11. The undertaking is besides expected to ensue in an estimated decrease of 58,170 metric tons of CO2 emanations per twelvemonth. BSNL has taken up pilot undertakings for 10 kilowatts solar workss at 14 sites and Wind power undertaking at 6 USO funded sites in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra. Indus Towers, the largest with over 1 lakh towers in India, will put up 2,500 solar towers by September this twelvemonth. Viom Networks, which operates more than 38,000 towers across India, plans to run more than one-quarter of this figure on alternate energy within the following two old ages. It plans to run 2,000 towers on solar power entirely by 2013. There are around 5,60,276 Base Transceiver Stations ( BTS ) in the state. It may be noted that BTS is different from towers as one tower may hold more than one BTS. In India the tower companies portion the tower sites with all telecom operators. While the tower is erected by the tower substructure companies, the BTS is installed by the telecom operators. A nomadic tower is an aerial where electronic communications equipment are placed on a wireless mast or tower to make a cell in a cellular web. A nomadic tower is composed of a tower or other elevated construction for mounting aerial and one or more sets of transmitter/receivers transceivers, digital signal processors, control electronics, a GPS receiving system, regular and backup electrical power beginnings, and sheltering. Circle wise interruption up of BTS is given below [ 3 ] . Metro DelhiA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 20,715 MumbaiA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 21,038 KolkottaA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 14,018 TotalA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 55,771 A Circles MaharashtraA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 42,998 GujaratA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 31,852 Andhra PradeshA A A A A A A A A A A 43,661 KarnatakaA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 39,093 Tamil NaduA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 52,075 TotalA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2,09,679 Fig 4. A roof top Mobile tower in Bhubaneswar utilizing intercrossed grid-DGB Circles KeralaA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 27.156 Fig.3 A BTS system PunjabA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 19,575 HaryanaA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 13,883 UPA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 68,487 RajasthanA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 28,694 Madhya PradeshA A A A A A A A A A A 31,665 West BengalA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 24,532 TotalA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2,13,992 C Circles Himachal PradeshA A A A A A A A A 5,425 BiharA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 35,086 OrissaA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 18,095 AssamA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 9,610 North EastA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 5,490 Jammu & A ; KashmirA A A A A A A A 7,128 TotalA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 80,834 Grand TotalA A A A A A A A A A A A A A 560,276DecisionTo cut down CO2 emanation and planetary heating due to telecom towers, Govt. should do it compulsory to telecom companies to utilize renewable energy.Govt. should halt subsidy on Diesel for telecom companies. More inducements should be given to those who use renewable energy for their towers.
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